my g/f and i just bought a steamer. i've got a bunch of good recipes, anybody got any more? last night we had steamed chicken with steamed vegetables, then added some rice and some teriaki sauce. sooooo good!
my g/f and i just bought a steamer. i've got a bunch of good recipes, anybody got any more? last night we had steamed chicken with steamed vegetables, then added some rice and some teriaki sauce. sooooo good!
I have had a streamer for awhile now. Really makes cooking things a breeze whne you do not have alot of time. What type of reciepes you looking for? Basicaly all you have to do is put what ever you are cooking in and steam it. If your steamer has a little cup in it to place spices and such I do have some ideas on how to spice things up. Remember to keep the more fiberous vegatbles and meat closer to the steam as they will take longer to cook. Let me know what meal you are planning to prepare and I throw some ideas on how to spice it up a little. Happy cooking.
i'm looking for meal combos. for instance, last night i said that i made chicken with vegetables and rice. i was able to cook all three things together. what could i put into the steamer if i was gonna cook some salmon? or what else could i make with my chicken. i could always make things with a conventional oven and stovetop, but it tastes better in the steamer. hope i made sense tobey......any help you give would be appreciated. that's why you're the one and only.....IRON CHEF!
I'm on it. I'll post something for you soon.
that's why you da man tobey!
Try these Dane, I am still loking for something a little more specific. I think I know where I might run across something this but want be able to get to it until this weekend.
A hearty vegetable soup -
Chop up 4 or 5 peeled potatos, 3 or 4 carrots , grated, 3 or 4 onions thinly sliced, celery and tomato pieces could also be added, place in a big saucepan and fill with water to the level of vegetables. A stock cube, noodle flavouring sachet or home brand tomato paste could also be added if you wish ( but it's still good without !) Allow to boil, decrease heat to a simmer and put a lid on saucepan and allow to cook for a couple of hours.
Fish Cakes -
Steam 4 or 5 potatos in the microwave for 10mins , grate up 1 or 2 carrots, drain a 500g tin of tuna and add this, slice up an onion thinly,and chop these into pieces. 1 egg helps hold everythig together , but not necessary. Mix up all the ingredients and make "patties", crumb upper and lower surfaces, and gently fry with a small amount of olive oil.
Noodle Bake -
Cook 2 85g packets of instant noodles and drain well. Chop up some ham, shred a small carrot (handful) and shred some cheese. Add 1/2 cup of self raising flour and stir in 1/4 - 1/2 cup of olive oil and 2 to 4 beaten eggs. Mix well, and put mixture in a greased 23cm deep cake tin and bake for 30-40 mins at 180c.
Russian Beef Stroganoff - ( This is "lash out " night )
Cut 750g of blade steak into finger length strips, tendorise with a mallet, roll in flour seasoned with pepper. Fry up 1 - 2 onions in 1and 1/2 tablespoons of marg, set aside. Fry up the steak for 5 mins until evenly browned, set aside. Fry up 100g of mushrooms with another 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of marg, and saute lightly. Return meat to pan, add onions,2 medium tomatoes chopped into chunks , and 300ml of water. Simmer for 1 and 1/2 hours or until meat is tender. Just before serving add cream or evaporated milk , 1/2 cup, and 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Salt to taste with salt and nutmeg..
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