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Thread: Recipes with ground chicken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa

    Recipes with ground chicken

    Anyone have some good, fairly low carb/fat recipes using ground chicken, or ground turkey. I really love it when my mom makes meatballs using chicken/turkey, but usually she uses lotsa eggs and breadcrumbs, so I just wanna know if anyone has some good recipes to use ground meat with little fats, but mainly with as little as possible carbs. any method of cooking is cool - grill, bake, fry, steam etc.

    ps. I didnt post it in recipes cause it isn't one, just asking if any people have some recipes for me, and I know Diet Forum gets a lot more hits.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Grilled squash, mushrooms, and onions saute'd in flax oil.
    Add cumin, thyme, amd a little garlic salt.
    Add in cooked chicken(I use canned chicken breast for speed) for warming once veggies are cooked to satisfaction..
    I eat this at least once a day.
    Any veggies can be used
    It does have 14g of fat but its from flax so It's relly good for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Well brutha I'll tell you what I like to do

    Ground turkey for quick, tasty, and easy eating- sprinkly with garlic salt, garlic pepper, make into a patty grill on the forman and bam.

    For something better like taco meat, sautee an onion and 3-4 cloves of garlic for a couple minutes with a Tbsp of Olive oil, add in 2 1/2tbsp of Chili Powder, 1tbsp of Cumin, 1Tbsp of dried Mexican Oregano, tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of ground cloves, Tspn black pepper, some Red pepper flakes, stir in with onion and garlic, now add in ground turkeybrown in a pan, no oil needed, brown the meat, add a can of crush tomatoes, add Tbsp of Tomatoe paste, bring to boil, turn down heat, let simmer till juices cook away into meat, serve in a whole wheat tortilla, over a sweet potatoe, ontop some brown rice and black beans, or eat it by itself.

    I'll post more recipes if you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    awesome bros. that was quick! gotta try me some of those. keep em coming

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by Pheedno
    Grilled squash, mushrooms, and onions saute'd in flax oil.
    Add cumin, thyme, amd a little garlic salt.
    Add in cooked chicken(I use canned chicken breast for speed) for warming once veggies are cooked to satisfaction..
    I eat this at least once a day.
    Any veggies can be used
    It does have 14g of fat but its from flax so It's relly good for you.
    Pheedno, are you sure you can cook with flax oil? Some oils can not handle subject to high heat, and will burn or change the properties of them, I've never heard of using Flax for cooking, thought of it, but never heard of it being done. I know that Vegetable oil, has a higher heat capacity than Olive oil, so it's preferred in some cooking. But I'm not sure of using flax, especially since it's supposed to be refrigerated. I'd check into that if I were you.
    Last edited by Iwan2bsolid2; 05-20-2002 at 12:52 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    South Africa
    wow, didnt even see that. Pheedno - just to let ya know, flax oil is VERY sensitive to light and heat, so cooking with it is a deifinite no no. i'd say olive oil all the way for something like that.

    solid - could I use that recipe with ground chicken? for some reason I dont get ground turkey here, only chicken. I either buy it, or get some fresh deboned breasts and mince it myself. All recipes I have found on the net have like 2 cups breadcrumbs or the like, so there are more carbs than protein in the burgers haha! Just taking the mince with all those spices and frying/grilling - doesnt it come out dry, or doesnt it come apart (aint that y they always use egg and breadcrubms, to make em moist and stick together?) anyways, will give it a go! thanks mate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    X- the first one is just a spiced burger.

    the second is just seasoned taco meat

    you want to make meat balls?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Thanks for the heads up on that. Something new everyday. I put up to 4 tablespoons in my shakes as well so the fat intake is not really a concern, I just use it for lubrication for the veggies.

  9. #9
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    solid - well, meatballs, burgers, they are all the same, except meatballs are about 50g, burgers are 200-300g at least that the only difference I know. I will try just seasoning the ground chicken and grilling, just hope it wont be too dry or wont fall apart.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    If it's ground and sticks together it wont fall apart, do you have a foreman grill?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    South Africa

    Chicken Burger Heaven

    Made some chicken burgers today - ohmegod, they rocked. Here's how I made them:

    300g minced chicken
    two handfuls of finely chopped fresh coriander
    1 tbsp worchestire sauce
    salt and lotsa pepper
    4 crushed garlic cloves
    1/2 a carrot, finely grated
    1 egg white

    mix those all up. The mix will be very soft, and even after shaping into a patty, it may loose shape when you pick it up to put it in the pan, but once cooked there are no problems.

    btw all that mix made about 4 LARGE burgers, could easily have made 6 medium sized burgers

    get a non-stick pan fairly hot (about 65-70% heat). brush both sides of patty with olive oil and put in pan. turn after about 10 minutes (the underside should be well colored, and the top side should be turning pale white due to the residual heat. cook for another 7-8 minutes until the other side is browned nicely. That's it! Quick, simple, healthy and SUPER TASTY

    I think the totals are around the following: (per burger, with the total mixture made into 4 burgers)

    2g carbs (max 2g, only carbs coming from the carrots really)
    20g protein
    2-3g fat (good fat, from the olive oil)

    I had a serving of two of those burgers, with some sweet potato, a perfectly delicious and balanced meal (or you can just have those burgers alone for all you non-carbers out there )

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    I'm so proud !

    I'm so proud! ( sniff,sniff)
    And to think a few short months ago most of the guys here could not even boil an egg. Looks like you guy's have come a long way in the kitchen.
    Good job.

    I have several receiepes posted in the reciepe section with chicken or turkey. I hope that you guy's don;t mind but I moved this to the receipe section. It just seemed to fit here.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    South Africa
    no prob IC, I finally actually posted the recipe I used so I guess its at home here

    I also searched for the recipes beforehand and most were with breadcrumbe/crushed u p cereal/oats, so I wanted to try get a low-no carb burger going....AND IT SEEMED TO WORK I am so proud

  14. #14
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Re: Recipes with ground chicken

    Originally posted by xenithon
    Anyone have some good, fairly low carb/fat recipes using ground chicken, or ground turkey. I really love it when my mom makes meatballs using chicken/turkey, but usually she uses lotsa eggs and breadcrumbs, so I just wanna know if anyone has some good recipes to use ground meat with little fats, but mainly with as little as possible carbs. any method of cooking is cool - grill, bake, fry, steam etc.

    ps. I didnt post it in recipes cause it isn't one, just asking if any people have some recipes for me, and I know Diet Forum gets a lot more hits.
    I think this isi really good.

    Brown 1 pound of ground turkey, 1 pound of ground chicken and 1 pound of spiced turkey sausage (removed from skin) with a chopped onion and seasoned to taste.

    Add 2-3 cans of Goya black or small pink beans seasoned to taste. Mixed together and heat. Tastes great severed over brown rice or wheat couscous. Enjoy!

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