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Thread: Tobey to the rescue...agaIN?

  1. #1

    Tobey to the rescue...agaIN?

    You rose to the occasion with the last challenge thrown at you by PbtJason with the protein bar recipes. Congrats! But before your ego swells (ha), I have one for you.

    They have these new protein pound cake slices out now. Their made by a company in Leigh, PA and they come in three different flavors-choc., swirl, and bannana. Their delicious! Hands down the best protein snack I have ever had. And the best part is their actually good for you. One slice contains 3 gr of fat, 21 grams of protein, and something like 5 gr. of carbs. The only problem is their not cheap. 1 slice is $2.50 (alright, about same price as a bar). But I know I can make them myself for alot less. The ingredients for the recipe is as follows: flour, whey protein, eggs, vanilla extract, salt, potassium sorbate?, and water (in that order)

    I tried experimenting with this batch and they turned out tasting like, well...nothing. They were nasty. Nevertheless, I'm challenging you to crack this recipe not only for me but for the entire AR community.
    Good luck Tobey (The Iron Chef)

    P.S. I have high odds on ya bro, don't let me down (Ha)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Well alot of this will depend on how high a setting you cooked them in. If it was to high it could change the taste that was expected somewhat. This can also cause the denatureing of the protien as well. It can be very miss leading at times. What type of whey protien did you use? Other ingredients that are not commonlly found in your local grocery can also be miss interpetated (spell?) as being something that they are not. I'll run a check through the archives and see if I can find anything that closely reseembles this and let you know the results. In the mean time keep plugging away at your orginal attempt. I would be willing to be dollars to nickels that the problem in taste most likely will be found in the specific ingredients that you used the first time around.

  3. #3
    Is their a particular whey protein you recommend for making cookies and such? What temperature should I use to cook the protein pound cake or protein cookies? I think baking the cookies at 400 degrees explains why the cookies I made tasted like the heel of a shoe. Ohh, and do you where I can find potaaium sorbate. Again, any help here will be appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Yeah I thought that either the degree cooked or specific ingredients might be the culprit. At least that is what I have found has been the culprit in the past. UHH wait a minute not that IC has EVER made a bad batch of cookies! No sir not me, no way.... Ok what the hell you live and learn right? I too have had an occassional screw up when trying something new. I have found that reciepes like this should be cooked very slowly. Try starting around 300-325 degrees while checking them every 10 minutes or so until they look done. The problem is that if the setting is to low, then the bottoms will darken to much before the middle is done. For this reason you HAVE to use a clear pierex dish or a cookie sheet that is not dark. The darker the cookie sheet the darker the bottoms will appear after you are done.
    As far as finding potassium sorbate is it? Heck thats a new one on me bro. I have'nt a clue, but a good place to start looking is to e-mail the company and ask them. Another idea even though this sounds wierd is to ask your local pharmicest. He might have a clue, and if he dose not then try another at another store.
    These particular ingredients are often not easily found and their absence can have a profound influence on the outcome of the dish in question. In cases like this one has to just try to subsitute another ingredient and play around with the reciepe. Don't make large batches as this can get expensive and boring really quick with each failure. Make up a batch, and cook only 5 to 6 cookies one way then 5-6 another way ect varying evrything from the temp. cooked to specififc ingredients. Label each batch accordinglly and see how things turn out. Good luck.
    Last edited by Tobey; 08-11-2002 at 06:50 AM.

  6. #6
    I asked you way back when to help me make these protein pound cakes that claimed to have 21 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and tasted out of this world. But the funny thing is that the company was just in the news because the pound cakes were sent off to a lab and discovered not to have the same nutritional facts the company claimed. The protein cakes were found to have 54 grams of carbs instead of 4 and 10 grams of protein instead of 21. I don't know how common this is but I thought it was pretty wierd. Just thought I'd passed it along to ya.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Well now tell the truth, can you really eer believe EVERY get big as a house, find a girlfirend, no fat pitch that you hear? Dosen't surprise me really. Most protein sources will break down at high temps. That is why the only really good protien source would be in the form of either a shake ( mixed or premixed dosen't matter) or in some form of granola bar that is pressed not cooked.

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