Ok i have never posted on here before, so here is the first one.
I am dieting right now so i try to get creative with my food, and come up with a lot of ideas some are good some are not, well most are NOT...
...but this one is good, oatmeal, raisin, bannana muffins.
30 gm of oatmeal cooked first and then everything else mixed in together.
12 gm of low fat bannana muffing mix
2 egg whites
1 scoop of whey protein ( i use vanilla)
1 teaspoon of vanila extract
1 pack of splenda (i assume any other artificial sweetner would work here)
Mix it all together, preheat the oven to 350 degrees, and leave in there for about 20-30 min, keep chacking on it once in a while, and you are done.
You can make 4 small muffins, 2 big ones or 1 huge f***er, it's all up to you and the way you like it......
this whole thing, and i wouldn't share it with anyone...LOL...has:
30 gm of carbs
32 gm of protein
4 gm of fat
Enjoy, and tell me what you think...XXL