Ok, sorry for the wordy title -- I'll change it if anyone can think of a more appropriate one.
I just ate the best meal I have eaten in a long time and it was made of leftovers and random stuff I put together. It looked fabulous when I finished, so here goes.
Taco Seasoned, ground turkey (cooked)
Egg whites
Pepper jack cheese
Take the egg whites, and pour a good amount onto the stove to make a sort of omlette. Wait for it to cook a little and flip it. After you flip it add ground turkey onto the omlette (I microwaved it first). Then grab the cheese and a grater and put as much on there as you want. Turn the side of the omlette so that it looks like a taco shape. Turn off the stove and let it sit there for a little while. Enjoy with sides of salsa or ketchup!
Incredibely delicious, low fat, low carbs, high protein!