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Thread: Tuna Burgers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Tuna Burgers

    1 can tuna, 1 egg white, spice as you like, bit of oatmeal, 2 table spoons of pancake mix, mix up, form into patties and cook at 350 for about 20min. I usually do up 4 cans at a time. Tastes not bad, and bit of a break from eating tuna out of the can........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Sounds good

    Sounds good bro.
    What type of spices do you use and how much oatmeal? I wanna try these for snacks thorghout the day. Let me know.
    And thanks for the reciepe!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Just spice to taste, i usually use pepper. But anything is good, Mrs. Dash whatever you like basicly. Oatmeal depends on how many cans of tuna, i don't measure it, but i usually mix up 4 cans at a time and add about 1/4-1/2 cup of oatmeal, zero oatmeal when dieting(due to carbs).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    now that sounds like a great midday snak!! just one question though - what do you term 'pancake mix'. I haven't seen something like that here in south africa. you know what's in it? can it be left out, and if not is there any possible replacement?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    pan cake mix

    not sure what is in pan cake mix, but helps hold everything together. ( i have done them without the mix and they are fine to, just might need a bit more egg to hold them together).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Pancake mix

    Originally posted by xenithon
    now that sounds like a great midday snak!! just one question though - what do you term 'pancake mix'. I haven't seen something like that here in south africa. you know what's in it? can it be left out, and if not is there any possible replacement?

    Although my knowledge of your local stock in grocery stores is where you live xenithon, they should carry pancke mix. This may be geographical basis statement here but you should be able to find it located in the breakfast cereal isle of your grocery store. If not I would hate to recommend something different as that would change up eye-candy's reciepe which seems to me would just nopt be right.
    I can list the basic ingredients in pan cake mix for you though. here they are.
    1 cup of enriched flour
    1/2 cup of sugar
    1 cup of yellow corn flour
    1/4 cup of buttermilk
    2 eggs

    Mix the rest of this with enough water until it appears to be a thick paste for pancakes or you should just leave it the way it is for eye-candy's reciepe above.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I've tried different versions of Tuna burgers and it always doesn't satisfy me. I just make a sandwich once in awhile. I drain the water, add some low fat mayo and some honey and stir it up and scoop it right onto the bread. Much tastier and easier. Hope this helps. Oh, I'm not trying to dog anyone either.

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