Whats up guys!
We wanted to try to build another website up with as much SARM information as we can find around the net. We want to do something with our website www.sarms.com and pack it full of articles and research that have been posted around the net. We do not want to just steal the articles... but we do want to take as many articles as we can find that are informative and post the information at our new website and then of course give credit where you found the article and who wrote the article.
Is there anyone interested in doing this? If you are interested in this topic and interested in growing a one stop shop SARMS info website... hit me up at:
Bc @ steroid.com
I am looking for a few people who can work together and really make the site informative, organized, and full of only the best SARM information we can find.
We think that if we start www.SARMS.com and provide the best information we can find on the subject, we can really start to grow THE website regaurding these new drugs. Anyone interested?