Emily Singer, Biotechnology and Life Science Editor for Technology Review at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in an Oct. 26, 2007 Technology Review article titled "Next-Generation Sports Doping," wrote the following:
"Two new classes of experimental drugs shown to have powerful muscle-building capabilities --selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) and myostatin inhibitors-- have been added to the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) list of prohibited substances for 2008. Neither class of drugs is yet on the market. But the agency... is gearing up for future abuse by limiting use among athletes and by developing new detection methods... SARMs work similarly to testosterone but in a more targeted way... Myostatin inhibitors work through a fundamentally different mechanism. They block myostatin, a naturally occurring protein in the body that stops growth of skeletal muscle...
WADA is developing detection methods for both SARMs and myostatin inhibitors, although the agency declined to say how far along those tests are... Other groups are more public about their progress. Acceleron, a company based in Cambridge, MA, that is developing a myostatin inhibitor, says that it has already developed a test for research purposes that is capable of detecting the drug in blood. And scientists at the Center for Preventive Doping Research, German Sport University Cologne, are working on a test for SARMs. Fortunately, scientists say that detecting abuse of these two new classes of drugs is likely to be easier than detecting two doping agents that have plagued the sports world in recent years... Erythropoietin [EPO]... and human growth hormone [HGH]."