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Thread: General SARMs questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    General SARMs questions

    So I managed to get my hands on some.

    It's a yellowish, oil sort of substance, that taste absolutely terrible. It has a bitter taste, something tells me its what battery acid should taste like. It kinda lingers in the back of my throat as well, reminds me of liquid... rubber, lol.

    Anyway, some general questions:

    1] Is this stuff supposed to taste this bad?

    2] When taking it, am i supposed to just drink it like I would any other type of liquid medicine, or do I have place it under my tongue or something?

    3] If im taking 100mgs a day, would it be best to take it all at once, or split it evenly between the day?

    4] how long till i notice its effect (aggression, libido, energy, appetite)?

    If anyone wants me to do a log, let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Marinos View Post
    So I managed to get my hands on some.

    It's a yellowish, oil sort of substance, that taste absolutely terrible. It has a bitter taste, something tells me its what battery acid should taste like. It kinda lingers in the back of my throat as well, reminds me of liquid... rubber, lol.

    Anyway, some general questions:

    1] Is this stuff supposed to taste this bad?
    mine did, reminded me of fish that had been left out in the sun, it also seemed warm no matter what temp i took it at, shoot it into the back of your throat, taste buds are on your tongue so if it doesnt get on there you cant taste it
    2] When taking it, am i supposed to just drink it like I would any other type of liquid medicine, or do I have place it under my tongue or something?
    just drink it, it's oil so it wont work well sublingual
    3] If im taking 100mgs a day, would it be best to take it all at once, or split it evenly between the day?
    it's half-life is 4-6 hours i believe so take it 3x a day, around every 6-8 hours is fine
    4] how long till i notice its effect (aggression, libido, energy, appetite)?
    you won't notice those, it's androgenic and mild IMO so you don't get those side effects at all, you'll get some strength increases but no vascularity or the sides you mentioned

    If anyone wants me to do a log, let me know.
    go ahead and do one, i did one in the members cycle section, go start one there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ok, thanks for the answers!

    but 1 last question; in terms of dosages, what is ml per mg ratio? If I want to take a 100mgs a day, how many mls is that?

    I'll start a log later tonight

  4. #4
    1ml = 100mgs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ok thanks.

    I was going to start a log but I've stopped taking sarms last night.
    Have some odd chest pain (upper left), going to wait for that to disappear then slowly go back on.

    Could be unrelated, but better to be safe then sorry when messing with experimental drugs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    there is only one company that makes the legitimate Acetamidoxolutamide aka Sarms S-4.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mafiusu View Post
    there is only one company that makes the legitimate Acetamidoxolutamide aka Sarms S-4.
    Only one?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    just one. so if its the real deal its bought direct through them or the source who has it got it from them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Marinos View Post
    Ok thanks.

    I was going to start a log but I've stopped taking sarms last night.
    Have some odd chest pain (upper left), going to wait for that to disappear then slowly go back on.

    Could be unrelated, but better to be safe then sorry when messing with experimental drugs.
    Never had chest pain from sarms (multiple time offender). It can make your stomache a little funky. If it's high on your chest and sharp, probably a gas pain.

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