so from my understanding some of these sarms are the equivalent of synthetic test minus the sides , next question is are there any countries where i can legally buy these? from what i read these still in development stages
so from my understanding some of these sarms are the equivalent of synthetic test minus the sides , next question is are there any countries where i can legally buy these? from what i read these still in development stages
You can buy it from anywhere its sold. Its not illegal.
first off test produces gains, and s4 really doesnt seem to do anything. at least in my case. yes its legal, but hard to find.
I haven't really even heard of this stuff in my area and from all the blogs it sounds like people are making natural or maybe supplemented gains thats it? How much is this stuff runnin and does it actually work? Compare....
The ar-r store here sells it.
According to bass's log and other logs I have read they are getting gains.
yes i gained while cutting, picture tells a 1000 words. there is no way i could have maintained or gained muscle while cutting at my age...i used arr S4...
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