Seems like s4 is starting to fade out or away already what do you think?
Seems like s4 is starting to fade out or away already what do you think?
Not sure what you mean by fade out, but I can tell you I am not a fan and was disappointed. But i think research into the SARMs field will lead to some good medicines someday. First generation drugs usually just arent that good, improvements will be made.
Not fading away, is now becoming popular among some MMA athletes on the east coast. I heard from one coach that 5 of his athletes used it and made improvement in endurance and strength and the test results came back negative.
When I ran it i never tested for endurance, not really part of my sport. I didnt see any noticeable strength tho. The main allure of the MMA community is that it cant be tested for yet, or at least thats all i can figure
Did you get the one that came in an amber bottle and from the correct source? Liquid , right?
Anyway, yes S4 is not and I repeat is not like AAS it was designed to replace HRT and we all know even while on HRT the gains are not that dramatic as dsages are fairly low and just for overall male wellness.
Trust me , word is getting out fast in the MMA world and some are starting to use it, I mean is not illegal so it should be fine..hell ! maybe taking tren xtreme or phera clones may result in a postivie drug test like in the case with Josh Barnet...S4 will not show at all, is already proven!
Thing is I trust mike here.
Chavo sells the stuff,one of the few sources online.
If mike says its weak,and it is weaker than var at 60mg ED its not worth it.
hmmm.. I guess all the good reviews on OL and ***** must be bogus then, uh? ...![]()
Sent ya a PM goose. Yea, now with halo i can tell a difference![]()
i will say that the S4 that i received was from a source on another board where they were a sponsor before they were asked to leave due to that site due to shutting down research chem sales, i'm sure you know who i'm talking about carlito
i ran it with a proper protocol and logged my cycle with bf% composition testing, blood testing, and monitoring strength increase and such
my test levels were reduced during the cycle, liver enzymes elevated, and i had NO STRENGTH INCREASES on cycle, i thought i did, but my strength did not decrease after cycle at all nor did my endurance during workouts increase
Im not trying to start any bad blood between guys selling this stuff and giving my feedback.Im just trying to be unbiased, which I hope is what this board is about. Hell, you may get different results than me. It just doesnt seem to work for me, at least not at reasonable dosages. I know a conflict of interest exists and thats one reason i didnt keep a log on this board. just like i try to never openingly bash Lion research chems or thats all im gonna say about that.
well i would like to try it if i get the chance
The only other person who "claimed" to have sarms was that scumming and snitching piece of shit Holy Ghost....the one and only who sells the real S4 was never asked to leave any forum and has always been on Outlaw and now on ProMuscle, now he sells bulk only and there is one person who just started a site ( 100% legit ) and will have shopping cart and will handle individual orders.
There was also another guy recently who claimed was going to sell these , he goes by the name chucklesmcgee and someone I would not trust either.
Last edited by Carlito B; 07-29-2009 at 04:17 PM.
There is only ONE S4 supplier and he has a UK and a Sweedish rep and now one US guy who is going to be selling it, he has started a site with shopping cart and is all 100% legit, he hired a lawyer and all. The S4 came from one guy , the same one who was and has been on OL since 2003 and now is on ProMuscle but will soon stop all retail sales to allow this new US guy handle individual orders.
Anyway, did you get the amber glass bottle with dropper?
Anyways guys, I am done .... I too do not want any misunderstanding with any of you.
much love !
well got my sarms and started
Oh Really?![]()
yes really i like it...... im saying that now and im sticking to it
Hmmm, no response as to what product was used by the naysayers?
If you did your first cycle in '82 with pharm scripts and have used just about every anabolic agent from the original manufacturers, than you have as much experience as I do. Point being, I know the difference between effective and placibo. Done enough bunk shit in the freakin dark days that were the mid-late nineties without a damn thing happening(real placibo or otherwise).
Sarms=miracle agent? No. Stronger? A bit. Leaner? Helps. More focus/intensity during workouts? Yup. Amber vial?
Absolutely. Chavo? Right again.
I wanna get my hands on it I have only used var at 30 mg Ed so I'm guessing this would provide awesome results... I have a phobia for needles and the only thing I have dared to use is var...But my guess is that it probably will take another good year till touches Canada
Lion is going to start selling it here in the next few days, if you can order from LION than you should be straight
Yeah I read that but I don't know ... I have read both good and bad exp with their products ... Some not so bad ... Some not so good .. And even a guy saying that he got his stuff in less than 24 hours (liar) ....but because it's not banned yet I think it should be. Ok but customs Canada is very restrictive I think ... Haven't ordered anything but I'm not mAde out of money ... Would hate my order being seized and not getting money back
much ado about nothing, by the looks of it
Sup boys, so I have just discovered this s4 shit and I wanna try it but I cant find info. If someone could post a link or pm me info i will appreciate it thanks.
there are tons of info on this already, check out this thread,
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