ok guys how long could i stay on the stuff
ok guys how long could i stay on the stuff
I'm interested in knowing this also..i plan to use SARMs mostly as a bridge. The studies i've been reading don't seem to show S4 having an effect on HPTA..which is a def bonus
me too, i like to know since i am planning to do a cycle. from what i have gathered here so far, most users stopped because of the side effects (vision mainly), but they went up to 40 days or so, or at least that what they were planning for.
yes and at what dosage should I run it at?
im running it at 150mg daily thats almost a bottle and a half from lion
just loooked now....been away
I have been wondering the same, how long could I stay on sarms and what is a recommended dose for it I'm 20 6ft and 197-198lbs , have only ran var @ 30mg ED for 32 days once in my life
Has this been answered in another thread? If not, anyone know?
yes, check some logs in this section...the optimal dose seem to be 100mgs per day divided by 4
It doesn't really shut you down (as much) so I guess as long as you could handle the vision issue.
I went slightly more than 4 weeks but I cut it short due to a upcoming family vacation (need the full vision for night activities). If it wasn't for that - I probably would of gone full 8 weeks or even more.
There isn't that many people who could do it for so long without affecting quality of life issue. When you walk out of your house and can't see your car to judge where the corners are - its tough (got couple of black/blue mark on my leg to prove it). And that's with front and landscaping lights on.
Nobody knows how long one can stay on sarms. Every log I have read has been for 2 months. There's really nothing in the studies to suggest that you have to come off after 2 months.
I would use sarms as a bridge. It doesn't shut you down. It will suppress your test at high dosages so just keep it at 50-100mgs.
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