according to lion "Liquid S4 30mL 50mg/mL"... if i wanted to take 150mg of s4 ED that would equal 3mL of liquid? Am I understanding that right? Thanks for the help ahead of time
according to lion "Liquid S4 30mL 50mg/mL"... if i wanted to take 150mg of s4 ED that would equal 3mL of liquid? Am I understanding that right? Thanks for the help ahead of time
from what I understand, the dose is not really defined, based on the information I got from lion the dose can be from 0.1-3mg per kg of body weight per day, that’s a huge range, but according to lion he believes that 50mg ED divided into three doses will do the job.
I'm so confused right now. Well I just ordered, so hopefully by the time it comes in my dosing question gets cleared up. Thanks for the reply bass.
you are welcome J3, i just ordered mine too.
1 ml = 50mgs, so if you want to dose 100mgs a day, then you need to take 2mls and divide that by three times a day, which comes to .33ml per dose every 4-6 hours. i hope this is right! please feel to make corrections...
okay makes a little bit more sense now, so my question now is... do I stick with 150mgs ED or is that too much? I know you were talking about body weight and what not, but definitely don't want to take more then I have to since this stuff is kind of pricey. At 150mgs a day, it would take 3 bottles for a month.
that’s i correct according to my calculation, i will be doing 50mgs per day for the first week then go up to 100mgs the rest.
Lion's S4 is dosed at 50mgs/ bottle should last exaclty 1 month, dosed at 50mgs ed. That will be my protocal for this bottle. I've used SARMs from a different source at the beginning of the summer, ran it at 100mgs ed and wasn't exactly thrilled. The info i've received from Lion's SARMs is that 50mgs ed should be plenty....i will keep everyone posted...
thanks MF for the info...
Great info guys, thanks a lot... but doesnt 50mgs seem too little... or is lions stuff super concentrated? I don't want to low dose with no effects for a month, you know what I mean![]()
Anybody planning to start a log on this product ?
K.....purchased, and now the waiting game. I will be posting a log as well (it'll be my first one, i'll try to make it good..)
i am thinking about giving it a try but have anyone finished a cycle of it yet and what ws their pros and cons of it
The dosage for SARMs S4 is all over the place. The reason people use a higher dosage like 150 or more per day, is because a lot of time the sarms isnt very legit. The good SARMs should be dosed around 50 to 100 mgs ed. Definitely split up the dosage because it has a really short half life. You could split up the dose before and after workout, that should be fine. Good Luck, keep us posted on how well you do.
I am very interested in trying sarms s4, I think I will start at the lower dosage and see how that goes. I am seeing a lot of people talk about results at 50-100 mgs per day, with the dosage split at twice per day.
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