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Thread: SARMs S4 and PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    SARMs S4 and PCT?

    I have read a couple different views on the issue, and wanted to get as much info as possible. With Sarms s4 do you want to run a normal pct like clomid/nolva just like your coming off a cycle, or can you go without PCT? Does Sarms s4 shut you down the way a test cycle would? And have there been any reported gyno issues with this stuff?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Phate ran S4 at up to 225mgs per day, and his cycle lasted about 6 weeks total. he didn't do PCT, however his test was slightly suppressed, but not enough to do PCT, for me because of my age and test level of 395 i will be doing clomid 25mgs per day and nolva 20ms per day for two weeks. as you know i have been on S4 for about 5 weeks now and there is no sign of gyno, i do have lots of fat around my lower chest but that’s melting away even during the cycle. the only negative side effect is the vision so far, it really sucks, but the benefits are far more rewarding.

  3. #3
    The results you are getting sound amazing. I have also heard that you do not need a pct for this. I am a little younger so I think i should be ok especially if I do a shorter cycle. thanks for the info Bass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I think if I used SARMs I would still want to have nolva and clomid on hand just in case. And I would think it depends on how long your cycle is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I keep hearing that part of the reason SARMs S4 is so good, is because you do not need a PCT with it. I guess if you are running a longer cycle, but for 4-8 weeks i think you would be fine.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Phate ran S4 at up to 225mgs per day, and his cycle lasted about 6 weeks total. he didn't do PCT, however his test was slightly suppressed, but not enough to do PCT, for me because of my age and test level of 395 i will be doing clomid 25mgs per day and nolva 20ms per day for two weeks. as you know i have been on S4 for about 5 weeks now and there is no sign of gyno, i do have lots of fat around my lower chest but that’s melting away even during the cycle. the only negative side effect is the vision so far, it really sucks, but the benefits are far more rewarding.
    Hey Bass, and thanks for your log. Your one of the main reasons I came on to post vs. just reading in the forum.

    My main question is will test go back to normal on its own? SInce Phates was slightly suppressed, will it go back to where it was originally over time, or its just bearable where it is now and that's why its not low enough to run PCT. I am curious because this is day one of S4 for me at 50mg ED. I want to continue on it but the test suppression worries me significantly. And if this is something that doesnt go back naturally I may end this cycle right away. I have searched for this answer and can't seem to find it. BTW I am still only 24.

  7. #7
    Also, how long does the process of returning back to normal take? I'm sure this is different for everybody but are we talking weeks or years here?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Phate did sarms at 225mg ed for 6 weeks. I'm sure you will be fine at 50mg but get some tamox and clomid if you are that worried. You'll be fine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    my test was at 395 and in three weeks or so i will post my blood test and see where i am at, at this point i feel great, no sides of low test...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    my test was at 395 and in three weeks or so i will post my blood test and see where i am at, at this point i feel great, no sides of low test...
    Glad there's no signs! Let's say you didn't even have any suppression, is it bad for you to be taking the pct stuff you are?

    Its great news that theres no bad come down after stopping this stuff.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by liftsmore View Post
    Phate did sarms at 225mg ed for 6 weeks. I'm sure you will be fine at 50mg but get some tamox and clomid if you are that worried. You'll be fine.

    True, 225mg is a significant amount more. I think I will just run it without anything else, you are probably right about me being fine. Plus I'm sure I'm still young enough to recover naturally

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by SemiEight View Post
    Glad there's no signs! Let's say you didn't even have any suppression, is it bad for you to be taking the pct stuff you are?

    Its great news that theres no bad come down after stopping this stuff.
    i am only taking it for two weeks at low doses, i am sure there is some suppression of my test, so i am just playing it safe.

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