I hope I can get down to at least 9% BF......That would be awesome!!!!!
Worked Arms today:
Close Grip Bench: 135 X 15, 225 X 12, 225 X 12, 280 X 6
DB Extensions: 50 X 20, 120 X 12, 130 X 10 drop set to 50 for 20 more reps
French Cable Extensions: 4 Sets up to 110 with reps from 12-25
Seated Curls (Both arms at same time): 20 X 20, 30 X 15, 40 X 12
Alternate DB Curls: 35 X 10, 40 X 8, 50 X 6
Wide Cable Curls: 4 Sets up to 150 with reps from 12-15
Hammer Curls: 40 X 12, 50 X 8, 60 X 6
Weight is 212 as of this morning........Left Shoulder is hurting some.....I think from laying on it all night.......Sweats are bad, agression is at 110%......Having strange dreams.......Can't sleep for more then 3 hours at a time. Very tired all the time now.....I am taking as many naps as I can......I have 9 more days of this cycle.....Eating is a bitch.....Don't want to eat at all......I have to really force myself to eat....Not eating like I have been....I think all I consumed yesterday was about 2000 calories.......I have no desire to eat.....It takes me forever to finish my food now.......Just sitting here and I am dreading having to eat my 4th meal of the day......No desire.....No desire.....Hoping this changes once I am off the Tren.......Life is being seen in a yellow tint all the time now.......Good ole S4.......When going from a light to a dark room it is hell.....Driving is not fun anymore.......Can't wait for this cycle to be over.....To many chemicals in my system.......Thanks for reading.....
Desire is what keeps us going.......without desire the will to succeed and overcome falls to the wayside.......
You're doing fine!!! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving day in a foreign land.
Its good to just walk away to do something completely different - skip a day and releax, get a massage, whatever to get yourself recharge. Just think about the overall goal and final outcome - you've come a long way.
Hello All....
Feeling much better today! I worked shoulders:
DB Press: 70 x 15, 80 x 12, 100 x 8 drop set to 40 to failure
Military Press: 135 x 15, 225 x 12, 255 x 10
Lateral Raises: 60 x 12, 110 x 10, 150 x 8
Rear Pec Dec: 80 x 15, 110 x 12, 140 x 10
BB Shrugs: 225 x 15, 315 x 12, 405 x 10, 495 x 8
BB Shrugs Behind Back: 225 x 15, 315 x 12, 315 x 12
Upward Rows (Machine): 100 x 20, 170 x 12, 200 x 10
Not as tired today, I started taking Vit A to counter the larthary and I hope it keeps working. Dose has been the following:
Tren: 3 Caps a day
Stane: 3 Caps a day
S4: 50mg ED Divided in two doses
Tomorrow is Abs and Calves..........I consider this my day off.......Thanks for reading.......
Hello all...Today I worked Abs and calves:
Standing Calve raises: 225 X 20, 315 X 15, 405 X 12, 495 X 10
Seated Leg Press Raises: 3 SETS UP TO 150LBS
Seated Calve Raises: 90lbs 3 sets to failure
Seated Crunches: 4 Sets of 110 to failure
Hanging Leg Raises: 4 Sets to failure
Decline Crunches: 4 Sets to failure
Tomorrow I will work back.....Thanks for reading.....
I worked Back today:
Deadlifts: 225 x 15, 315 x 12, 405 x 8
Pull Downs Wide Grip: 3 Sets up to 220
Reverse Pull Downs Narrow Grip: 3 Sets up to 140
Seated Rows: 3 Sets up to 330
DB Rows: 100 x 10, 100 x 10, 150 x 8
Eating alot better the last few days. Calorie intake around 4,000 a day. I think strength has maxed out, affects of Tren/Stane are tapering off. I only have one more dose of S4 left...I think I was short changed with the amount I recieved......I'll have to talk to Lion about that......Don't know if I will run PCT for two weeks or If I will continue with M-Drol for another 3 weeks before hitting PCT........I feel ok for sides.....I might run Tren/Stane for another 3 weeks along with M-Drol and see what I can do......I have not hit my goal of 215.....This morning I tipped the scales at 213.5.....so I am two pounds away.....I am not holding any water so I think my gains have been lean muscle mass.....I will take pictures tomorrow to see where I stand...Thanks for reading.....My starting stats and my current stats:
BF: 11.5%
BF: 13%
I have gained 11.5 pounds in 27 days.......
Last edited by Okinawa_Power; 11-30-2009 at 06:18 AM.
what method are you using to measure your BF%?
Day 28 not 27.....
Hello all....Worked Chest today:
BB Flat bench: 135 X 15, 225 X 12, 225 X 12, 300 X 8
BB Incline bench: 135 x 12, 135 x 12, 225 x 6
DB Flat bench: 60 X 20, 100 X 12, 120 X 8
Hammer Strength Bench: 3 Sets up to 220
Pec Deck: 3 Sets up to 110
Dips: 3 sets to failure
Eating has increased.....I am feeling much better the last few days. I am going to extend my cycle to three weeks with Tren/Stane/M-Drol for 3 weeks. I will keep the dose at 3 caps per day for each compound. Sides from Tren/Stane are minimal and I think I can take another 3 weeks. After the three weeks I will do a very heavy dosed PCT along with Clen and try to cut down to 7-8% BF....Thanks for reading.......
looks like you cut down on exercises compare to your last workouts, but still a good workout.
Bass I am trying to limit my sets for each body part. I think I will get better results.Originally Posted by bass;496***1
Hello All....
I worked legs last night:
Squats: 225 X 12, 225 X 12, 315 X 10
Press: 400 X 15, 600 X 12, 800 X 10
Extensions: 3 sets up to 170
Reverse Extensions: 3 sets up to 190
Lying leg curls: 3 Sets up to 160
One Leg Lying curls: 3 sets up to 90
I have decided to run another 3 weeks of Tren/Stane/M-Drol......I am hoping to hit my goal of 215-220. Strength is at 110%....Calorie intake is at 4,000 daily. After these 3 weeks I will do PCT along with Clen and see what BF I can get down too. The goal is 200lbs at 7%
Thanks for reading.
so much good info on sarms here, thank you all so much. Will be making my order very soon.
Hello All......Today I worked Arms....Was supposed to be abs and calves, but was not feeling it......I wanted to work arms!!!!
Close Grip Bench: 135 X 15, 225 X 10, 225 X 10, 295 X 6 <===NEXT WEEK 300LBS CLOSE GRIP.....
Skull Crushers: 3 Sets supersetted with DB Extensions up to 110/100
Push Downs: 3 Sets up to 200lbs for 20-15 reps
Reverse Push Downs: 3 sets up to 110lbs for 20-15 reps
Dips: 3 Sets up to 270lbs for 20-15 reps
Machine curls: 3 Sets up to 90lbs for 12-15 reps
Seated Alternate Curls: 20 X 15, 30 X 12, 40 X 10
Cable Curls (Wide): 3 Sets up to 160lbs
Hammer Curls: 20 X 15, 30 X 12, 40 X 10
Reverse Curls: 3 Sets up to 90lbs for 12-15 reps
Feeling pretty good. Sides are not bad. Just sweating like a damn pig, strength is still going good. Eating a lot better then before......Thanks for reading.
Hello all...I am closing down my log. I have finished my SARMs S4 cycle and I believe that it helped me with strength and fat loss while gaining muscle. I am closing this log because I am not taking S4 anymore and I am only taking Tren/Stane/M-Drol and this is a SARMs section. I will post my week 4 pictures tomorrow and that will close out this log. I appreciate all the input from you all and I can say that I have made some great friends on here. I will continue to check out this section and I hope to hear from you all in the future and I wish you all the luck with your future endevors. Okinawa_Power signing out........
Good luck bro! - learned a lot from you from your excellent log. I'm sure we'll see more logs from you. Cheers
same here, thanks for the great log but most importantly thank you for your service. now go and kick some terrorist ass...I look forward to seeing your final photos.
Updated pictures are in the picture thread!!!! Thanks again for reading and I hope to stay in touch with all of you!!!
you need pct.
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