pls explain something to me this sarm that ar-r sells is it the real shit?? is it like Ostarine?? which i know is the real sarm? what can i expect from sarms?? muscle gains?
pls explain something to me this sarm that ar-r sells is it the real shit?? is it like Ostarine?? which i know is the real sarm? what can i expect from sarms?? muscle gains?
Yes real deal........You will lose fat and keep muscle.
lose fat keep muscle??? will not gain muscle, strength???
Couldn't tell you about the strength gains I am taking a DS also so I know my strength gains come from that. There are many logs about taking S4.....Take a minute and read them....
Read bass's log. He did a sarms only cycle and definitely gained strength.
also Endus is doing S4 only and he is reporting strength gains. i just posted my blood test and my testosterone is higher than before...
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