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Thread: s4 Preserve mass on a cut.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Never Never Land

    s4 Preserve mass on a cut.

    Thinking about running a small dose 25mg for 3 months starting march 1st when i start my cut.

    Think this will help me keep some mass?

    My goal is to lose 30lbs with as little being muscle as possible then start a test only cylce june first.

    Anyone tried while cutting and are there any problems with coming straight off and takin test.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    yes i have, this is the exact reason i ran it, and will do it again so i can shed another 20 pounds and maintain muscle. on my log it show that i lost fat and gained muscle while doing a heavy cardio and diet. it worked for me.

    i believe your approach will help you lose fat faster than i did, and perhaps keep your existing muscles. but you also have to work as hard as i did by lifting as heavy as you can without injuring yourself. best of luck to you bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    definitely keep us updated with that sarms s4 dosage, really interested to see the effects.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Herc View Post
    Thinking about running a small dose 25mg for 3 months starting march 1st when i start my cut.

    Think this will help me keep some mass?

    My goal is to lose 30lbs with as little being muscle as possible then start a test only cylce june first.

    Anyone tried while cutting and are there any problems with coming straight off and takin test.
    Little Herc I running it in a bulk cycle right now. I think it will better serve as a cutting tool and if you use it with Clen I think you will get excellent results. Might even be a good thing to use during PCT, however once we get the results of Bass's Blood Work we will see home much it decreases natural Test Levels......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I would think sarms would be great for cutting while to maintain strength and mass.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    Little Herc I running it in a bulk cycle right now. I think it will better serve as a cutting tool and if you use it with Clen I think you will get excellent results. Might even be a good thing to use during PCT, however once we get the results of Bass's Blood Work we will see home much it decreases natural Test Levels......
    big O, did you see the testosterone test i posted on my log? i know its not the complete test but at least you can see that my test is higher than before.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    big O, did you see the testosterone test i posted on my log? i know its not the complete test but at least you can see that my test is higher than before.
    Bass I saw it and I am really happy that your test was good to go!!! This is good proof that because it raised your Test levels that it would serve as either a cutting cycle or a bulk cycle. I also think that it could be used as a PCT to activate your natural test levels and to maintain muscles and to cut BF. Thanks Bass for posting your results!!!!! You are the man!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    I looked at the research of SARMs a bit, and not all of them seem to be so fine on endogenous test.

    Ostarine (S-4) may be currently the best SARM available, with the potency of testosterone at doses 2-3 mg/kg (in animals), but only 1/3 of its androgenicity. In fact, even doses 1 mg/kg were very effective, and produced a more favourable ratio of anabolism and side effects. It has a very little effect on endogenous hormonal system.

    Andarine (S-1) is another promising drug, although its strength is only ca. 75% of testosterone and Ostarine. Its advantage are virtually zero androgenic side effects (at least in animals, of course). However, it markedly suppresses endogenous hormones in high doses (over 1 mg/kg).

    BMS-564,929 may be the strongest SARM ever synthetized, with 200-times higher anabolic potency than testosterone in very small doses like 0,01 mg/kg. Its side effects seem to be small as well, but it has one big disadvantage: A dramatic suppression of luteinizing hormone (LH), in doses 9-times lower than in testosterone! However, as far as I know, this stuff has been thoroughly studied only once so far, and some doubt the documented anabolic effect.

    LGD-2226 is a solid drug, I would say "average" in its qualities. Its strength is close to that of testosterone, but with at least twice lower effect on the prostate, and a substantially lower effect on endogenous test.

    AC-262,356 is in a similar range, ca. 4-times less androgenic than testosterone, but around 34% weaker. However, I don't know, how it influences endogenous test.

    Taken together, until the qualities of BMS-564,929 are confirmed, Ostarine is the best SARM on the market. It is certainly the best, if you don't like problems with PCT.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 11-27-2009 at 07:51 AM.

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