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I don't think the research is mis-interpreted - this has come up before and discussed in this and many other forum, which is where I assume you got that.
It is true that dosage is higher than what was in the study but I think you are dealing with a target group that is slightly out of normal range.
For example, your body normally produce around 70mg of testosterone naturally (going by memory so don 't shoot me) but if you noticed, most people here are taking 500mg as a starting point for newb and more experienced users doing 700-1000mg+, not including many other substance that is stacked on top.
As for S4 studies, at 3mg per day, it noted a very small LBM gain over 3 months period - not the kind of result people are looking for in this group.
Still you could do the math - at .75mg to 2.82mg per kg and using the formula of 0.162 - for 200 lb man would equal to 11.05mg to 41.5mg/day. At low dosage, its 10x with about 2.5x for higher figure for 100mg per day usage. I would say most people in this group will go with higher figure and 2.5x above study is not very high considering what they take for other substances. Not saying its right or wrong - just setting the playing field for a particular target group. cheers