I dont understand why people use SARMs if they seem to have some sides and works almost as well as test? Why not just run test?
Is it because SARMs is less suppressive then test? Will SARMS ever totally shut you down?
I dont understand why people use SARMs if they seem to have some sides and works almost as well as test? Why not just run test?
Is it because SARMs is less suppressive then test? Will SARMS ever totally shut you down?
I'm interested in SARMs for these reasons, not in any particular order:
1 - No injection (Don't laugh)
2 - As far as for the research i'd be doing, its legal
3 - Non-suppressive (I will be running it at 25mg/ed)
4 - Can Relieve Joint Pain!! This is a HUGE reason/benefit to me..
5 - What sides?? again at 25mgs/ed this seems a moderate dose, from my reading
6 - Cost/Availability, its cheaper than AAS, for me at least ...and AR-R seems to have a reliable source..
The vision problems are what scares me out of ever trying it.
The vision issues for me are very fleeting and mild @100mg/day. Certain lights, especially at night, take on a yellow-green tint...but I can see and everything else just fine. It's like someone messed with the color controls on your TV. The fact that they stop about a day after use makes me not worry too much.
You're 2nd person that had a mild reaction from all the logs/comments I read from various boards. Rest seems to follow what I went/going through - bit more dramatic. I'm on Day 7 since stopping and vision is still not back 100%.
I think Okinawa also stopped at same time - are you around? How's your vision at this point?
Endus, it took me two weeks, don't worry your vision will be 100% restored. so far no one has reported a permanent damage to their vision. you know this maybe crazy, but i am half bold, and my front thinning hair line went way back, not sure if its my imagination but i can swear i have more hair now! maybe another vision side! i am still seeing things, eh…
LOL, i don’t know, but i can swear my hair is thicker, so not sure if its the S4 or something else, or just simply wishful thinking...
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