If i had a full bottle of each, what one would you take first? Would you do a 2 week cycle of clen, stop for 2 weeks then another cycle...or how would you use these to full potential?
If i had a full bottle of each, what one would you take first? Would you do a 2 week cycle of clen, stop for 2 weeks then another cycle...or how would you use these to full potential?
week 1 clen ed
week 2 clen ed
week 3 clen ed benadryl ed
week 4 clen ed
week 5 clen ed
week 6 clen ed benadryl ed
Try this out.
Take sarms and clen at the same time. You will be sure to lean out and keep or even gain strength.
What does Ed stand for? Could you please give me the standard day...like what to take when on workout days and non workout days?
Would you take clen and sarms on the same day?
ED = each day
Take the Clen like I suggested above and run the S4 at the same time.
I was thinking about taking:
100 Clem in morning
50 sarms morning and 50 pre workout.
Does this make sense?
I would start off taking 20mcg and work your way upto 100mcg slowly.
Just add 20mcg daily intill you reach 100mcg.
I would do clen for couple of weeks before introducing anything else. Make sure you could handle clen if you never done it before. If you did, then no problem with above. Clen scare the crap out of me (anything that makes your heart go boom boom) - Still, I'm a big stim junkie so I will try it at some point.
I will run clen everyday for 2 weeks at 100 mg/daily
After the 2 weeks i will introduce the s4 at 100 mg/daily
Will run both until my bottles are dry...on 3rd and 5th week i will be taking benadryl
sarms and clen would be great, lean you out and great strength gains.
Thanks for all the info!
But i am still wondering when i should be taking my sarms?
Clen i will take in the morning and sarms should i take before a workout or half in the morning and half before a workout?
I've had a few experiences with Clen. Like mentioned above, start out with about 20mcg or 30mcg at most, then work it up. IMO, I wouldn't stay on it more than 3 weeks at a time. I am also on a discovery mission with the SARMs subject, so hopefully we both will find some benefits with giving it a run.
Also, if it wasn't mentioned already, keep some Taurine on hand when taking Clen. It's real cheap and it will help with cramps that can be associated with Clen. Plenty of water and extra potassium is suggested too.
Best of luck!
sarms and clen could be one powerful combo for cutting up and gaining strength. Would love to see a log with someone running these two chems.
I will be taking both together.
75 mcg of s4
100 mcg of clen
Once i get them both in the mail i will let you know how these are going!
Just bought some Albutrol !!! I'm going to run it with 11-oxo for cutting. Should be a nice cutting cycle for getting rid of last bit of fat (hit a plateau). I was going to run it with S4 but had to cancel that due to my allergic reaction
Are you doing your cut now? Can't wait till your cut up pics
Edit - did you still took Caffeine while doing Clen? (from coffee, supplements that include caffeine, etc). I usually take couple of cup equivalent caffeine before the workout.
Last edited by endus; 12-30-2009 at 08:10 AM.
Yeah, so did poundcake. I thought it was something else but his post sort of confirmed it. I'm still going through process of elimination to make sure its not something else - slow process.
It was a severe reaction where your face/ear blow up (I looked like elephant man) and had to go to emergency care to get some cortison shot, then 3 course of pills. Funny thing is, I still went to the gym looking like that![]()
I done tons of ECA stack and never had the shakes. So hopefully I don't have too much issue with Albutrol, which I understand is milder than Clen.
Albuterol is milder than clen and you can run it for longer. Get some ketotifen you can run it for even longer than normal.
That's a bummer about the allergic reaction.
So taking s4 and clen at the same time isint a good idae then? What should i take first clen or the s4?
clem = clen
ed = everyday
sarms = Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
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Ok....How who thinks its a bad think to run both of them together or who thinks it would be benifical? And for those people and think i should split it up...what should i take first?
I don't see any problems taking them together. There will be synergistic effect. If you are training and got your diet in check then you will slim down.
Dirtbike35, i got your email but for some reason i couldn’t respond to it. but to answer your question i have no clue how these two chemicals will perform if taken together. i have stated before in my opinion Clen and S4 will give you almost the same results, but with S4 you'll have less serious sides. I tend to agree with big O, they may cancel each other, if I were you I would run S4 first, then clen…
Ok Thanks Bass. And for everyone who has helped me. I have a very clean diet that i put together. Just have to get my cardio going but maybe my kickboxing and rugby will be good enough..
If i work at 7am and dont get home until 5pm, when would be the best time to ingest the s4?
if you're doing 75mgs per day split it into 3 doses, one after you brush your teeth/before breakfast and 6 hours between the rest. if you take 100mgs per day then its every 4 hours...the main thing is to make sure its spaced evenly so the S4 is active in your body through out the day...
Last edited by bass; 12-31-2009 at 11:24 AM.
Who said clen and S4 would "cancel eachother out"?? What is the basis of that theory? Clen is anticatabolic, S4 is anticatabolic, clen has shown possible increases in strength, S4 has shown increases in strength, clen helps burn fat, S4 possibly helps burn fat, Clen's is a Beta-agonist, S4 attaches to androgen receptors. Clen in no way limits growth or anabolism, although it increases metabolism which may be looked at as 'negative' when trying to gain weight, but S4 increases metabolism as well. You should be able to keep all your muscle and lose significant fat while increasing strength on this combo. If you eat a whole lot of good calories you might even gain some muscle (maybe couple pounds) and shed the fat due to the clen's ability to attach to beta receptors. Maybe I'm overlooking something very simple here but why would they antagonize eachothers actions???
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