First off let me say thank you for the great products , the fast shipping, the great tasting products, my lab rat told me it was tasty,
I have purchased products from other companys and they taste like pestiside, Makes you want to forget to take them daily,
as for sarms,,,, the first day I had energy , funny how I didnt need a nap at 12 noon, the second day I woke up to feeling harder, I took 1 cc before workout and was ulta pumped.
I have had tendonitis in my right shoulder for 9 months now, after the second day on it , the pain while working out was 98 percent gone, I know other research people on sarms said the same thing,
looking forward to 1 cc daily, I will try and posts some pics soon.
As for any one dissing on lion nutrition , you have no idea how good they are, if you have a problem with the order, instead of acting like a dick and demanding your way, wont work, be a stand up human and ask with a professional note and maybe you wont be banned or kicked out.
these are clas act people with level 10 supps. we cant go to CVS to get what they have, so use some sence people