Ok first entry.
I am going to run between 25 and 100mg/day (when ever I say "I" in any post please presume it is the male fancy brown rat used for my experiments). I am spending the next day deciding what dose. The first 2 days only I will take 25mg x 1 just incase of allergic reaction which should happen after a few days if its going to happen.
I would like any and all input from educated posters. I have access to many paid medical journals and medical websites but I either don't have the time or the patience to look over everything.
Splitting into 1-3 dosages. Not sure whether to keep the receptors activated all day long at low dose or super-saturate (i.e. say ~16.66mg x 3 doses or 25mg x 2)
I know everything else I am doing and taking so I'll do my best to control other direct and environmental factors.
Anyone have any suggestions for anything to take with the S4? I was thinking proviron because it would free up test, has anti-E properties, etc but i cant get my hands on it right now (dont PM me about this, im not interested). I would like to optimize this run. I do have clen on hand which I might run with the S4 because i would love to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Just trying to save money so if clen isnt beneficial i'll wait. Anyone know anybody who ran clen with the S4? please point me in the right direction.
Also, any input as to the cause of the vision sides? It must be due to Rod cells, or something alike. Seems nothing takes care of it.
If anyone has any input as to what dosage they think i should run or anything at all please feel free to throw it up here and i'll read it. I'm leaning towards 25mg x 2/day, dosing at morning and 30 mins prior to workout.
Stats below for the stat people:
230ish+ lbs
29 y/o
approx 18-20% BF with majority around my waist so my pants belt should be a VERY good indicator of fat loss.
Strength: bench last i remember is 295lbs x 7-8 reps depending on the day
i'll post up here only when i think there is something new to be said. again, anyone that has input or suggestions please do post them or PM me.