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Thread: SARM s4 Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    SARM s4 Log

    Ok first entry.

    I am going to run between 25 and 100mg/day (when ever I say "I" in any post please presume it is the male fancy brown rat used for my experiments). I am spending the next day deciding what dose. The first 2 days only I will take 25mg x 1 just incase of allergic reaction which should happen after a few days if its going to happen.

    I would like any and all input from educated posters. I have access to many paid medical journals and medical websites but I either don't have the time or the patience to look over everything.

    Splitting into 1-3 dosages. Not sure whether to keep the receptors activated all day long at low dose or super-saturate (i.e. say ~16.66mg x 3 doses or 25mg x 2)

    I know everything else I am doing and taking so I'll do my best to control other direct and environmental factors.

    Anyone have any suggestions for anything to take with the S4? I was thinking proviron because it would free up test, has anti-E properties, etc but i cant get my hands on it right now (dont PM me about this, im not interested). I would like to optimize this run. I do have clen on hand which I might run with the S4 because i would love to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Just trying to save money so if clen isnt beneficial i'll wait. Anyone know anybody who ran clen with the S4? please point me in the right direction.

    Also, any input as to the cause of the vision sides? It must be due to Rod cells, or something alike. Seems nothing takes care of it.

    If anyone has any input as to what dosage they think i should run or anything at all please feel free to throw it up here and i'll read it. I'm leaning towards 25mg x 2/day, dosing at morning and 30 mins prior to workout.

    Stats below for the stat people:
    230ish+ lbs
    29 y/o
    approx 18-20% BF with majority around my waist so my pants belt should be a VERY good indicator of fat loss.
    Strength: bench last i remember is 295lbs x 7-8 reps depending on the day

    i'll post up here only when i think there is something new to be said. again, anyone that has input or suggestions please do post them or PM me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    what are you doing besides that time you're remembing flat benching?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    what are you doing besides that time you're remembing flat benching?
    No idea what you're asking. What I'm saying is that I will gauge strength via bench and only bench because it's too difficult to keep track of every exercises weight changes. I have my own workout which i wont go into, 4-12 rep range, work a muscle once a week. I have been stuck at around 295 for 8 reps on bench for quite a while now so it will be interesting to see how much it goes up.

    on a side note, it is unlikely it was the S4 but man, i got into an argument with my lady last nite, quite a while after i took any s4 and i had to stop in the middle and ask myself why i was going so nutty. i was livid. she asked what was wrong with me and her asking that is out of the ordinary.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Equiguns View Post
    I do have clen on hand which I might run with the S4 because i would love to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Just trying to save money so if clen isnt beneficial i'll wait. Anyone know anybody who ran clen with the S4?
    That's fine to run clen throughout the S4 cycle.

    2 weeks on 2 weeks off would be proper protocol.

    I wouldn't use proviron during this cycle, unless you're 100% certain that you're doing a PCT after, seeing as proviron can be suppressive to the HPTA even @ a low dosage (IE) 25mg ED...

  5. #5
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    Sep 2009
    I'm running albutrol with S4 but I only started taking S4 couple of days ago. I was going to take it EOD but decided to take it ED at 20mg/day.

    Since I've been on Albutrol, I've lost some strength due to a low calorie diet. I'm hoping this will help me retain or increase strength that I gained on my last S4 cycle. I'm doing 6 week albutrol/ketotifen and 4 week S4.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    I'm running albutrol with S4 but I only started taking S4 couple of days ago. I was going to take it EOD but decided to take it ED at 20mg/day.

    Since I've been on Albutrol, I've lost some strength due to a low calorie diet. I'm hoping this will help me retain or increase strength that I gained on my last S4 cycle. I'm doing 6 week albutrol/ketotifen and 4 week S4.

    sounding a bit like mine. i think im going to run the S4 at 20 and 20 for a total of 40/day and then run the clen during the last couple of weeks (2on/2off like usu for clen).

    One issue with the vision changes... The s4 is suspended in some alcohol??? Anyone know what kind? Even tho the amount of alcohol is low, with a build-up this may explain the vision changes. METHANOL causes blurry vision and blindness with less than 1 oz. I know in the hospital setting ethanol can be used and would competitively inhibit the methanol. What does ar-r use in the S4? I hope the vision issues arernt due to the suspension or additives...

  7. #7
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    Jun 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    That's fine to run clen throughout the S4 cycle.

    2 weeks on 2 weeks off would be proper protocol.

    I wouldn't use proviron during this cycle, unless you're 100% certain that you're doing a PCT after, seeing as proviron can be suppressive to the HPTA even @ a low dosage (IE) 25mg ED...
    No bro, no proviron, although it would be something cool to experiment with. nolva and clomi would have been fine but S4 at low dose for a month shouldnt require PCT (hopefully) so i'll leave the provi and PCT out unless absolutely needed.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Equiguns View Post
    sounding a bit like mine. i think im going to run the S4 at 20 and 20 for a total of 40/day and then run the clen during the last couple of weeks (2on/2off like usu for clen).

    One issue with the vision changes... The s4 is suspended in some alcohol??? Anyone know what kind? Even tho the amount of alcohol is low, with a build-up this may explain the vision changes. METHANOL causes blurry vision and blindness with less than 1 oz. I know in the hospital setting ethanol can be used and would competitively inhibit the methanol. What does ar-r use in the S4? I hope the vision issues arernt due to the suspension or additives...
    You may want to do bit more research on Clen and do the benedryl or testitefen. My understanding is that you'll lose some of the anabolic benefit by doing 2 on 2 off. Thats what I gathered, other more experienced users could tell more about that. I'm doing 6 week with testitofen on 3-4th week. Oh, when you take the benedryl or testitofen, make sure you lower the dosage again and work up. Learned hard way when I took regular dosage - huge shakes.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2002
    lets add headache to my log. never do i ever get a single headache... to my great pleasure i awoke in middle of sleep with a horrible left sided HA (make note that a headache that awakes you is a bad thing) i just hope it's due to HTN from the S4. this is more for me to remember incase i have another HA this week.

  10. #10
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    Sep 2009
    It may be the clen giving you the headache. I get the occasional headache from clen.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Equiguns View Post
    sounding a bit like mine. i think im going to run the S4 at 20 and 20 for a total of 40/day and then run the clen during the last couple of weeks (2on/2off like usu for clen).

    One issue with the vision changes... The s4 is suspended in some alcohol??? Anyone know what kind? Even tho the amount of alcohol is low, with a build-up this may explain the vision changes. METHANOL causes blurry vision and blindness with less than 1 oz. I know in the hospital setting ethanol can be used and would competitively inhibit the methanol. What does ar-r use in the S4? I hope the vision issues arernt due to the suspension or additives...

    I thought the Sarms was suspended in Peg?

  12. #12
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    Jun 2002
    I believe its in EA and peg. I, personally, was worried it might be methanol...obviously with the vision probs I got scared shitless when i read somewhere on another site that it might be methanol.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2002
    been running 25mg BID, 50mg QD. tomorrow will be 1 week. no vision issues. strength could be considered slightly affected but its so little on most exercises i wont say i am stronger until its a significant change in reps or weight. i am def not any more aggressive in the gym. i do not have that "juiced" feeling in the gym. however i def notice a tightness or hardness to the muscles that is directly correlated with this stuff over the past few days (nothing else has changed except for taking this stuff this week). no fat loss and no noticable muscle gain, but its been a week so nothing should be expected except for aggression, which has not hit me yet. im a drinker and the past few days i have drank quite a bit, especially last nite, must have had over a dozen beers and scotch to top it...muscles feel like pudding, lethargy set in, last nite def hurt my progress and i need to find a way to stop drinking but i cant. in my line of work i see what happens to people who drink for 20 years and i've been drinking for 3 months now and cant believe how bad the stuff is. ciao

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Yall have ppeked my interest with this s4 talk ima go lean about it.... later

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I have been taking Albutrol also and I don't like it!!!!! I will stick to clen.....I am cutting right now.....Will have pictures in a few weeks!!!!! Looking to cut to 190 @ 10%!!!!!

  16. #16
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    Jun 2002
    Stick with clen...i do not personally believe all this business i have recently read about albuterol. they are both b2 agonists. albuterol having a shorter half-life. as long as you take care of the receptors (ie benedryl) clen should be the better compound. i just dont understand the whole talk about albuterol. i personally feel like its for people who dont want the full effect of clen. if you want to increase your metabolism and relsease fatty acids it is going to be a trade-off, you will have to deal with the sides of clen. albuterol IMO was brought about by people who wanted to make more money and market it as a "better alternative" to clen, when in actuality it is not. something interesting, look up some info on supplements and things that might help with the cellular process behind using fatty acids. clen + some other supplements might work wonders for some of you.
    Last edited by Equiguns; 01-24-2010 at 03:30 PM.

  17. #17
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    Vision sides were noticed for the very first time today. If you recall i have been on 25mg BID. the best way to describe what i noticed today is to go out on a sunny day for 10 minutes...then walk into your home or apartment with your regular lighting on...normally you have that relatively few second period of dark vision until the pupils accomodate. instead, i noticed it lasted for at least a minute or so. today was the 9th day on S4.

  18. #18
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    Long time since i posted but thought i would put my final thought.
    the vision sides were not cool with me at the end. the funny thing is that i was amazed as i came upon 3 weeks i noticed the vision sides were so minimal at my dosage (50-60mg/day). then all of a sudden i woke up one day and saw the "demons" i had read about. that just annoyed me so much and sorta freaked me out that i quit. i ended up doing about 3 weeks worth when done. strength went up, but not significantly enough for me (maybe 5 lbs here and there). there was definately a toning aspect, but i cant say whether it was fat loss, water weight, increased muscle bloat or musc., etc. i maybe a sissy but i didnt handle the waking up in the morning and seeing the dark shadows for a few minutes.

    overall, i def noticed a change in body shape (increase muscle/decreased fat or both who knows?) which i guess is the most important for us bodybuilders (the mirror is more important than any numbers). another reason why i am so sure there was a change in body shape is because it has been a couple of weeks since i stopped and over the past few weeks (especially this past week) i have noticed a "loss" i guess. i dont looks as good as i did in the mirror.

    anyway, i do have another new bottle and due to the vision sides its up for sale to someone who wants to try this stuff for their first time. just PM me if interested, im sure we can figure out a secure transaction.

    another thing...i bet at a higher dosage and taking it for at least 4-6 weeks would have probably been beneficial and very noticable but i ain't goin that route.
    Last edited by Equiguns; 02-20-2010 at 06:37 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    9,332 too the daemons were not cool, freaky...that’s exactly my experience too in terms of body shape. thnaks for the report.

  20. #20
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    once again, been a while but thought i would check in. to the couple of peeps who PM'd me about taking the S4 off my hands, I APPOLOGIZE! i got busy with work. if you still want it please PM me back (i sent PMs) and I WILL check my message box everyday for the next few days. And if you already bought a bottle then anyone else thats new that wants to save a few bucks and help me get rid of my extra bottle please PM me. I left the bottle out to remind me so this time i wont forget to read my PMs.

    as for the demons, i wouldnt even describe them as demons, more like shadowing. somehow (the volume of distribution of the drug is very high) the drug is hyperpolarizing or depolarizing (i dont remember my eye physiology) some retinal cells. i have a friend in ophthalmology and an oncologist friend who participated in the original research on ostarine (not S4) and i plan on talking to the two of them via email within the next month or two. i'll bet that between the knowledge of the eye and the knowledge of the drug, the two of them just might be able to come up with an explanation. the tough part is figuring out how to ask them without them wondering why the **** i'm even asking in the first place. even if they are incorrect, it would be nice to find out the theories that have been founded so far.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    that would be awesome. I am only interested to see if there are any long term sides. thanks.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Subbed. Good info in this log. I'm sure you got everybodies interest in finding out what the hell causes those vision problems.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    very good sarms info, thanks for the updates!

  24. #24
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post too the daemons were not cool, freaky...that’s exactly my experience too in terms of body shape. thnaks for the report.
    I just ordered s4. Can you guys explain this further? What do you mean you see demons? Does this stuff make you hallucinate?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    New Jersey
    No halucinations. A lot of people develope night vision problems. Re-read the thread and you should understand what there talking about.

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