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Thread: 2nd cycle and Various Dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    2nd cycle and Various Dosage

    I've started my 2nd S4 cycle along with Albutrol and here's what I found so far.

    If you read my last log, my vision side came after 2 1/2 days at 50mg per day. This time, since I'm more interested in Albutrol, I've decided to play with S4 dosage a bit. I've started Albutrol about week or so ahead of S4.

    I've started my S4 dosage at 15mg per day x 1. At this dosage, I didn't get any sides after 1 week.

    After 1 week, I've increased my dosage to 25mg, the vision side came on fast (next day - tint, slightly darker overall). Stayed 25mg per day for 2 days.

    Dropped back down to 15mg and vision side is gone or is nearly gone (too little to notice if its there). So 15mg seems to be my sweet spot for not having vision sides.

    At 15mg per day, is there any effect? Yes - although it took longer to feel any thing - my libido (which was killed by albutrol) and strength seems to be coming back. Its not as strong like the last time (where I was taking over 100-125mg per day near the end) but as long as I feel the effect, not having vision side is huge enough for me to go for couple of month or even longer cycle (will get blood work done after 2 month).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    wow 15 mg per day and you are starting to see strength gains, that is great, definitely keep us updated on that dose and its effects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Very interesting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks for the report buddy...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lifterjaydawg View Post
    wow 15 mg per day and you are starting to see strength gains, that is great, definitely keep us updated on that dose and its effects.
    Strength gains are minimal - rather it just stopped strength loss I was experiencing from Albutrol/low calorie diet.

    One thing - unlike others, S4 seems to make me hungry ever since I started.

  6. #6
    Perhaps you will experience other side effects if you take it for too long time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Good stuff endus. Keep us posted.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Ok, after all that hoopla about Ostarine/Andarine bulls*it- I'm still doing my testing. I'm on 4th week of taking 15 mg per day and here's my finding,

    1) Strength gain - stopped the previous loss, but I think this has more to do with me eating more carb. So for this aspect its minimal.

    2) AAS like quality - none. I feel bit more energized but no aggression/vascularity/gains/loss. So slight energy boost but no more than a Caffeine pill. I'm getting some acne breakout - just under the chin area. I had a same issue during last cycle - so there seems to be some effect on your hormone, just not sure what its doing since its not adding anything to my training/physique.

    3) Libido - this is where I see the most noticeable effect - at all time. So this is quite good in that aspect. If you get the S4 from a cheaper source, mg per mg, its cheaper than a Viagra.

    Routine - I finally figured out how to avoid the vision issue completely. First, you need to figure out your tipping point is - for me it was 15mg per day. When I went to 25mg per day, vision side came quick. But even at 15mg per day - it accumulate, so I stop for 2 days (1 is enough but I'm testing at this point) and I'm back to normal. After stopping for 2 day, any trace of tint or other issue disappear but I still have to elevated libido... So its a good routine to try if you want to completely avoid the vision issue.

    To tell the truth, I don't think S4 will do much for muscle gains or even strength. I've mentioned strength gains on both cycle (log) but when I think about it - my strength gains came while I was increasing my carb intake. So even without the S4, I would of increased my strengh anyway. So if I take that aspect out due to a diet, then S4 adds nothing other than some increased libido (worth it for me, but probably not for most who's taking it for muscle improvement).

    Hope this is helpful - I'll be getting blood work in couple weeks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Here's latest update.

    As mentioned before, my blood work came back with about 50 point suppression (334 to 281). While still mild, this was more than when I did my 1st cycle with 100mg per day (344 to 318), so this was unexpected. I'm doing PCT - nolva at 20/20/10/10.

    Currently, I'm experiencing super lethargy. I don't feel like doing anything at this point. I did workout today but it was difficult concentrating, so it wasn't like my typical workout. I'm hoping this won't last too long

    One good news is that my skin is clearing up. The breakout was bit more severe this time and did leave some acne scars. I'm hoping this will fade with lotion I'm using.

    So this cycle was bit weird - At 15-20mg per day, I didn't get any of the strength benefits but experienced all the negatives (acne and worst suppression). I think I'm finally done with S4. I really hoped it worked and gave couple of tries but its too mild and too expensive for my taste. I'll just wait till better version comes out. Good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks Endus...

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