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Thread: First time S4_LOG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    First time S4_LOG

    Just ordered S4, i will keep a log of my results for those who are thinking about trying it also and to compare my results from others.


    24 yrs old

    195 lbs

    12% - im guessing right now, i will check my bodyfat this weekened.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cool ... Look forward to see how it works for you. Are you just doing the S4, or are you stacking it with anything else?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks Phat Matt...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Love it...the more the logs the better.

    Will you be stacking it with anything?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No i will not be stacking it with anything for now. I want to see how it works for me because im planing to run a cycle of test before the summer, and hopefully S4 works for like it did for others. If it works then i will get a nother bottle and run it with my pct and maybe threw out the summer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    interested in progress, more info on vision issues (if any) and gains.

    How much do you plan on taking?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I will start out with 25mg for few days and work my way up. It all depends on how soon and how much i will feel it. Im planning on running 100 mg + day after a week or 2.

    This guy i work out with he is in his 60's and he is taking it at 25 mg a day and i saw a change in him. Not so much strength but he doesnt need it bc he is one of the strongest guys i have ever lifted with really im serious, he weights 210-220's benches 340 + and he's got huge arms. So if the 25mg worked for him it better do wonders for me since theres 40 years diff

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Has any of you noticed vascularity increase while on s4? I really hope so, bc i love when i get veiny as shit. Winny or eq makes me reallllly veiny i love that look

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    Has any of you noticed vascularity increase while on s4? I really hope so, bc i love when i get veiny as shit. Winny or eq makes me reallllly veiny i love that look
    Yes...definite increase in vascularity! I did a short cut (about 6 weeks) before I started with the S-4 and I'm much more vascular now even after gaining about 4 lbs. I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I'm not taking Lions SARMs. I'm also at 100 mg/day.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    I will start out with 25mg for few days and work my way up. It all depends on how soon and how much i will feel it. Im planning on running 100 mg + day after a week or 2.

    This guy i work out with he is in his 60's and he is taking it at 25 mg a day and i saw a change in him. Not so much strength but he doesnt need it bc he is one of the strongest guys i have ever lifted with really im serious, he weights 210-220's benches 340 + and he's got huge arms. So if the 25mg worked for him it better do wonders for me since theres 40 years diff
    I think 25 is a little low. I ran 50mg for the first week and didnt feel to much, but once i bumped it up to 100mg my strength started to increase.

  11. #11
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    I know 25mgs sounds low but i seem to react really good to almost any supplement, what i mean by that is i get really good gains off any anabolic supp i take at low dosage. I also know a doctor and he believes that i dont have to take high amounts of anything because of my age. He thinks 25 mg-50mg is all i should take, BUT im def. going to run 100mg+ just to see what happens.

    I will get a blood work test and liver enzymes checked after s4
    Last edited by phat_matt85; 01-31-2010 at 06:27 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    I know 25mgs sounds low but i seem to react really good to almost any supplement, what i mean by that is i get really good gains off any anabolic supp i take at low dosage. I also know a doctor and he believes that i dont have to take high amounts of anything because of my age. He thinks 25 mg-50mg is all i should take, BUT im def. going to run 100mg+ just to see what happens.

    I will get a blood work test and liver enzymes checked after s4
    Sounds like a good plan. Interested to hear what the blood work looks like.

  13. #13
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    Dec 2008
    Ok here we go....DAY 1.....NOTHING!! lol

    My new supplement arrived today. I got home preety late today i just took 25mgs an hour before the gym. I wasnt expecting anything but i figured i will let you guys know i started taking it.

    Tomm im planing on taking 50mgs, but what sucks is that i have night classes tues, wed, and thursday and its really hard for me to get into the gym on those days it depends on what time i get off work. BUT i build retaining walls for living and tomm. we will be throwing 120 pound blocks for 8 hours so hopefully i will notice something from the s4

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    DAMN i wish i could order steroids and have them delieverd to my house in 2 days....ehh

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    DAMN i wish i could order steroids and have them delieverd to my house in 2 days....ehh
    wouldn't that be nice!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Know the right people at your gym and you could get it in same day, if not 2 days

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    yeah this is one thing i regret about having my own gym!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    Know the right people at your gym and you could get it in same day, if not 2 days
    haha yess very true but i guess i havnt found the right gym yet, i know guys that get stuff here and there but usually its a wait.

  19. #19
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    Ok so today im doing 50mgs did 25mg first thing in the morning (felt preety good, i get up 4 am and im usually tried for the first hour so im not sure if this is in my head, me knowing im taking something and my mind is playing tricks on me or the S4 actually gave me little energy)...too early to tell.

    I took another 25mgs an hour ago and im about to hit up the gym, skipped the class tonight lol..too excited about the s4

  20. #20
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    didn't really feel anything different during the workout

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    its been over a week since your update...........whats the latest???

  22. #22
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    i didnt lift past 2 days

    DAY 5 still at 50mgs, really nice pump but thats all so far. No strengh gain yet, just little more energy. I did chest today and actually i wasnt able to do as many reps as i usually becauseof the pump i got (so i guess thats a plus for now)

  23. #23
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    Yesturday was a week, took 25mgs in the morning then i took 40mgs before late work out and i got nothing!. No pump, didnt feel any extra energy or strenght. I will be taking 75mgs from now on and see what happenes

  24. #24
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    DAY 11- Pump is on and off, one day i will get a great great pump and other days nothing. Still do not see any change in weight or strenght. at 75mgs

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks for the update, if i were you I’ll jump to 100mgs a day and stop wasting time, almost everyone who started low got the same results (nothing) until they went up to 100. keep us posted...BTW, you will feel strength on the start of week 3 if not sooner.

  26. #26
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    I think i might bump it up to 100 mgs but if i do that i will have to get another bottle i just dont want to spend another 150 bucks on something im not sure about. and im planning on doing a cycle in the next 2 weeks

  27. #27
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    you’re right, one bottle lasted me 2 weeks.

  28. #28
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    yeah its up there. so far im not happy with it at all. if i have to run 100mgs for at leat a month to see anything, i would rather get anavar it would cost the same and u see results in days and you know that it works

  29. #29
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    yeah its up there. so far im not happy with it at all. if i have to run 100mgs for at leat a month to see anything, i would rather get anavar it would cost the same and u see results in days and you know that it works
    Agreed you can do a lot more for that kind of money.

  30. #30
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    Sep 2009

    For the price, S4 is not even close to worth it (even from lower priced source). There's so much better stuff out there (legal pro-hormone too) for less than 1/4 the price - you know you are taking something vs. I think my strength is increasing crap.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post

    For the price, S4 is not even close to worth it (even from lower priced source). There's so much better stuff out there (legal pro-hormone too) for less than 1/4 the price - you know you are taking something vs. I think my strength is increasing crap.
    what supplements would you recommend for someone looking to get the advertised effects of SARMs? strength increase and a cut in fat?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphonsocino View Post
    what supplements would you recommend for someone looking to get the advertised effects of SARMs? strength increase and a cut in fat?
    Tried to send you a PM but you must have a PM turned off? Let me know - I have a link to get you started.

    I think advertised effects of Sarm's strength and fat loss is greatly exaggerated in some logs. I know, I got sucked into it too and spent few hundred dollars. In actuality, I got better result from a very mild non-methylated PH cycle that cost less than $100.

  33. #33
    i dont know what is going on with my PMs. you can email me if youd like. [email protected]

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    Tried to send you a PM but you must have a PM turned off? Let me know - I have a link to get you started.

    I think advertised effects of Sarm's strength and fat loss is greatly exaggerated in some logs. I know, I got sucked into it too and spent few hundred dollars. In actuality, I got better result from a very mild non-methylated PH cycle that cost less than $100.
    not true for me, i had an amazing strength gain and was loosing fat faster than anything i've tried, perhaps because i was working harder and burning fat while maintaining muscle. now i don't have the same strength as i did while on S4. i can't tell you why i gained strength and lost fat but i did. if it wasn't from the vision sides i'd say its worth it, again if i had to chose between S4 and test i'll go with test, but S4 did work for me.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    not true for me, i had an amazing strength gain and was loosing fat faster than anything i've tried, perhaps because i was working harder and burning fat while maintaining muscle. now i don't have the same strength as i did while on S4. i can't tell you why i gained strength and lost fat but i did. if it wasn't from the vision sides i'd say its worth it, again if i had to chose between S4 and test i'll go with test, but S4 did work for me.
    I think its good that you had a good result. It was your log that caused me to try the S4 - it was simply glowing.

    But we must also understand what you actually mean by great strength and fat loss. You said you never done Test but will chose Test over S4 - even though S4 gave you a great result. So I'm trying to figure out why? Never tried Test but will take Test over S4, that gave you a great result.

    There were lot of people buying S4 because of your log but since then, most of the logs (both here and other board) pretty much say - its so mild, not really worth the money. It just seems odd, especially when active participant with glowing log seems to disappear whenever there's any negative talk about S4.

    By the way, this is not a negative comment, rather, an actual observation and determining non-definable (fat loss/strength gain) statement. Oh, I also worked out quite hard - about 2 hours at a time, 5 times a week and near spot on diet. But my conclusion is that S4 is still not worth it.

  36. #36
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    no problem Endus, you are of course entitled to be observant and state your opinion, the reason i did S4 and not test is because i have no source for test, S4 was easy to get, i don't like the prices too, way too expensive. and the reason i would choose test over S4 is because we all know what to expect from test, but from S4 is still to be seem especially for long term sides, i hope none! i did consider myself to be a guinea pig, so i took the risk. i don't recommend it for anyone, but if there are people like me who want to give it a shot then I’ll do my best to guide them and tell them everything i know about it relating to my experience. sorry if my log have mislead some people, believe me that was not my intention. I wanted to be as clear as possible so people can make a better decision.

  37. #37
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    Your log probably did more S4 sales than what Ar-r paid to have their site advertised on this board.

    It doesn't help the fact that for a VERY ACTIVE participant, you don't have any opinion on ANY (ZERO) negative aspect of S4 - mostly for "it worked great for me" comment. So you don't think that will have any impact on S4 sale? There's a sales technique that I used to use (long ago) and it went something like this - Oh I hate that product but it worked great for me/him/here/them. Its a very common technique - perception of criticizing something but in reality, its an endorsement.

    It also doesn't help that someone else always post after your post - and this poster also say, they are great - go check out Bass's log. Now you may not have any control over that but it also adds to suspect.

    I'm done with S4 and don't really care but I thought you ought to know for whatever motivation. Good luck.

    By the way, I thought you became a mod.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    Your log probably did more S4 sales than what Ar-r paid to have their site advertised on this board.

    It doesn't help the fact that for a VERY ACTIVE participant, you don't have any opinion on ANY (ZERO) negative aspect of S4 - mostly for "it worked great for me" comment. So you don't think that will have any impact on S4 sale? There's a sales technique that I used to use (long ago) and it went something like this - Oh I hate that product but it worked great for me/him/here/them. Its a very common technique - perception of criticizing something but in reality, its an endorsement.

    It also doesn't help that someone else always post after your post - and this poster also say, they are great - go check out Bass's log. Now you may not have any control over that but it also adds to suspect.

    I'm done with S4 and don't really care but I thought you ought to know for whatever motivation. Good luck.

    By the way, I thought you became a mod.
    hey endus, dont forget that link my man!

  39. #39
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    I am not a salesman and not indorsing any product, everything I stated is based on my experience, this place helped me achieve what i thought it was impossible, and me being active here is just my way of saying thanks by simply contributing back. why do you think i became a mod! LOL...

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    I am not a salesman and not indorsing any product, everything I stated is based on my experience, this place helped me achieve what i thought it was impossible, and me being active here is just my way of saying thanks by simply contributing back. why do you think i became a mod! LOL...
    Bass, I' highly value/respect our correspondence and hopefully will continue.

    However, you must acknowledge the fact that 1) this compound was sold as something it was not, 2) had people confirmed suppression (even though you said it didn't but I mentioned that you probably were not due to the PCT) and 3) subsequent logs mentioning that its very mild or no effect or some people stopping due to mis-information from both the vendor and some logs (both strength gain, vision side and suppression).

    To contribute it to bare it all - good and bad. I think I took my share of slack as I was also enthusiastic about this compound. And now in hindsight, it was just that - placebo enthusiasm. I believe you that you are not a sale person but what you are saying is near shilling or white-knighting.

    You think by not acknowledging any negative is paying back to this forum? It will actually make people leave as it will be known as a shill site. The reason why I post here instead of others is because its civilized and people seem to tell it like it is. Not because they are trying to pay back for all it gave.

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