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Thread: My Sarms experience so far

  1. #1

    My Sarms experience so far

    I am coming up on 2 weeks of dosing about 75mg everyday split into 2 doses.

    I feel a little stronger in the gym, but I don't know if it's a placebo affect or if stuff is working.

    I feel like I can push out more reps in my set

    I look a little leaner, but nothing drastic..

    Also, I have ZERO vision side affects and don't really notice any side affects at all.

    Just thought I would let everyone know

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Zero side effects at 75mg? interesting.

    No yellow tint with headlights at night? No problems adjusting to dark rooms?

    Keep us posted.

  3. #3
    Keep us posted about your experience, for now i'm holding off on them, I keep hearing of loss of sight, some minor some major, yellow tinting of the eye and yellow vision.

  4. #4
    Nope, no tinting at all or even adjusting to dark rooms... I also work at a club so, I would not be able to handle the vision sides if they happened but so far so good!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    is your S4 from ARR?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    N.D-soon bak home 2 S.D
    What exctly do sarms do? what are the mode in which they help?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SARM= Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator there is an entire section about this if you search for it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    is your S4 from ARR?
    No, I went with another supplier... The sponsor for elite fitness board

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by NEW_IN_THE_GAME View Post
    What exctly do sarms do? what are the mode in which they help?
    They are supposed to work like a mild cycle of Test, but without the sides and no need for PCT..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Hey Stuntgod, don't mean to hijack the thread, just wanted to comment. I'm nearing the end of the 2nd week right now. At night I do notice a slight yellow tint of oncoming cars. I don't have any blind/black spots, though. Also, light to dark changes may take my eyes a little longer to adjust, but nothing dramatic.

    It seems like I'm experiencing the same effects that you are. I have an increase in strength and I'm more vascular even though I'm up a couple lbs. Anyways, hope the rest of your cycle goes well!

    Edit: I've been at 100mg/day split into 4 doses.

  11. #11

    They say close to 100mg is when the vision sides start, so that could be why you are getting them

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post

    They say close to 100mg is when the vision sides start, so that could be why you are getting them
    I've heard that anything above 50mg causes vision problems.

    Be careful, keep us updated!

  13. #13
    It has been 3 weeks 1 day and so far I seem to be leaner, definitely stronger and I think I am starting to have the vision sides.... No color tinting or anything, but this weekend while I was working in the club, when I would ring up the order and close out tabs for people who were ordering drinks from me... It was hard to see past the bright screen into the dark club...

    Other than that all seems good.. I will probably stay on it for 1-2 more weeks max

    Also, still at 60-75mg ED split into two doses... On the weekend though I do 60-75mg in one big dose

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia

  15. #15
    4 weeks 1 day... Everything is still the same as before. This is my final week of dosing, I am still seeing vision sides, but still no tinting of color.

    The sides I am having is that when I go from outside in the sun to indoors it will take a minute or so for my eyes to adjust.

    In a month, I have put on about 5lbs of muscle, I love this stuff!!!

  16. #16
    Here is a picture taken of me last Saturday at work... The girls love it now when I take my shirt off lol....

    I do not have a strict diet, I go to the gym mon-fri SARMs is a great product and has helped a lot!

  17. #17
    sounds like you are having very good results from the sarms s4, keep us posted on the dosage and if you are having any side effects other than the increased strength!

  18. #18
    Still keeping my dosage around 60-75mg ED... Vision sides are the only thing im experiencing

  19. #19
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    Still keeping my dosage around 60-75mg ED... Vision sides are the only thing im experiencing
    dude make sure you do PCT, this shit is very suppressive....

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Does the suppression depend on dose or length of time??? I am hoping to run a sarms s4 cycle soon, stronger, leaner and more endurance.

  21. #21
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    That’s the problem, no one knows. what we know is that it suppressed it at high and low doses based on member doing S4 including me, i was at 100mgs ed. mine didn't show up until my recent blood work. So don’t take a chance, do PCT.

  22. #22
    You also said you take flax seed every day.... Flax seed itself is suppressive, so how can you blame it on the s4. I am waiting to see blood results from another member on another board who did pre and will be doing post cycle of s4 in a week or so.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Now the only thing I’ve done is S4, but my blood test after that showed my total test went up slightly

    So how can you say that the s4 is suppressive... Not trying to be a problem maker or anything... I see you wrote on a couple threads saying that s4 is suppressive. We don't know that for sure.. yet

  24. #24
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    So how can you say that the s4 is suppressive... Not trying to be a problem maker or anything... I see you wrote on a couple threads saying that s4 is suppressive. We don't know that for sure.. yet

    Pretty comical how you only have 15 posts but yet are defending how S4 is not suppressive. Look at the logs, blood tests, and just "bro-science" opinions. It is definitely suppressive man.

  25. #25
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    So how can you say that the s4 is suppressive... Not trying to be a problem maker or anything... I see you wrote on a couple threads saying that s4 is suppressive. We don't know that for sure.. yet

    go ahead and ignore the warnings if you like, i am simply trying to help those who were lead to believe that you don't need PCT after doing S4, i am not knocking S4, S4 did good for me and i was happy with the results, but it will shut you down like it did for me, i find it hard to believe that flax seeds can cut my test in half...

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by adam15425 View Post

    Pretty comical how you only have 15 posts but yet are defending how S4 is not suppressive. Look at the logs, blood tests, and just "bro-science" opinions. It is definitely suppressive man.
    Hmm, so because I have 15 posts that means what? NOTHING.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    Hmm, so because I have 15 posts that means what? NOTHING.
    Just funny how a new member defends and supports S-4 so much as I see SARMS is the only board you have posted under.....cough cough... maybe a company's reputation and monetary gain is involved, maybe not. In any event it is odd...but hey it's just my 2cents, don't take it to heart

    PS, judging by your pic you should be in the DIET FORUM........

  28. #28
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    So how can you say that the s4 is suppressive... Not trying to be a problem maker or anything... I see you wrote on a couple threads saying that s4 is suppressive. We don't know that for sure.. yet
    Its true that Bass's case can be questioned as his initial bloodwork showed that he wasn't suppressed. Now month or two later, his bloodwork shows that it is suppressed. He did his pct but only for two weeks and at 1/4 of recommended dose.

    In my case, I was mildly supressed and thats not a hearsay. Granted, it was mild compared to AAS or to others, but for some reason, I don't get suppress heavily.

    There's another case - Slide (see his log). I think he was suppressed most.

    So if you go back and do some research, you'll notice that people who got their blood work mention that they got suppressed (on other boards too).

    Then there are lot of people who says that it doesn't suppress - and those people either never got the blood work or never actually done S4 (I guess they have to pad their post count somehow)

    There are always exception to the rule but I would go with people that actually done their blood work. Whether you do is up to you. At dosages that we're doing, I would do PCT just to be safe - don't take a hella effort to do that - right?
    Last edited by endus; 02-25-2010 at 12:59 PM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by adam15425 View Post
    Just funny how a new member defends and supports S-4 so much as I see SARMS is the only board you have posted under.....cough cough... maybe a company's reputation and monetary gain is involved, maybe not. In any event it is odd...but hey it's just my 2cents, don't take it to heart

    PS, judging by your pic you should be in the DIET FORUM........
    Nope no company or monetary involvement.I only post under SARMS because that's the only thing I have any input or say on. No thanks on the DIET forums I am happy with the weight and shape my body is right now... I like the natural look that's why I chose s4 instead of others...
    Last edited by Stuntgod; 02-25-2010 at 01:28 PM.

  30. #30
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    Nope no company or monetary involvement. Who says I don't have other names in other forums? If you read my posts it clearly says I am on other boards.. No thanks on the DIET forums I am happy with the weight and shape my body is right now... I like the natural look that's why I chose s4 instead of others... Tell me how is school going at slippery rock?
    I gotcha. Understandable, but a good diet could more than likely get you to be where you would be by running s4 with a mediocre diet maybe even better, but to each their own. Slippery Rock is great,just pretty busy with mid terms last week and this week. You live close or was that some sort of masked threat haha?

  31. #31
    Nope, no threat it's just that I go to FSU

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    Nope, no threat it's just that I go to FSU
    There are a few FSU's. Florida State?, Fairmont State? Fayetteville State? But what are you studying?

  33. #33
    Florida State... Information Technology, security

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntgod View Post
    I like the natural look
    I'll take that un-natural look - lol.

  35. #35
    lol Touche, to each is own. I have a bunch of friends that are taking that route too

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