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i've had this account, and i consider myself a newbie.
I don't do steroids, although i've tried to purchase them in the past. I've been scammed 3 times.
And that is why i chose s4. It was my only viable option to "being on something."
okay, first... What is the status of my health.
Well, i'm overweight but muscular too. People would say football build. I tend to pack it on easily during the winter, and lose most of it in the summer. Right now, i weigh 240. I've i was 260 during thanksgiving.
Am i a bodybuilder? Not a dedicated one. But, i try. I mostly do cardio. I have very good legs, but very flabby arms.
That is why i decided to try s4. My arms are the weakest part of my body. I laugh when people complain about calves and feel envious about arms.
And, yes. It's made me very strong in my arms. And they visibly look bigger. I don't measure, but people can tell. This is my 3rd week.
Some of the stuff i like about s4... Well, it does work. And it makes me crazy horny. Last week, i had sex about 6 times in a row and with tons of jizz. Normally, i can go twice no problem. But-- wow. It makes me an assertive lover.
It's helping me lose fat, even the stuff under the skin. I normally have jelly rolls around my bald head. Most of that is gone.
But here's what i dislike.
It's starting to make my eyes go unfocused. I don't experience the night problem vision, but occasionally-- i feel my eyes just don't focus. It goes away when i stop for a day or two.
And it made me break out in hives once. The underneath of my forearms looked like a cat may had scratched me several times. It went away after a shower and a pill of benedryl.
And i occasionally feel sensations in my skin. It's hard to describe them. It's like a pin of prickling, not painful not delightful-- just odd sensation.
I eat like a pig. I just can't get filled. The other day, i drank 3 protein shakes and a bowl of cereal. It was only when i eat a bunch of carrots that i started to feel not hungry.
And this hunger is painful. I'm losing weight, but i don't want to eat all the time either.
Now, will i try this again?
I'm leaning on no.
I took a big risk to become a guinea pig. And only because i don't believe this would be instant death or irreversible. It's something that should be posted up.
Now, maybe in the future i will try this again after a long while. In this way, i allow myself a break on my body and time for information to accumulate. Because, as far as i can see, this is risky. Potentially lethal? Well, it's the same risk for steroids i think.
What i do hope is to keep the gains and the strength. So, i plan to write back and tell everyone how it's like after this experience.