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Thread: My experience so far.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    San Jose, California

    My experience so far.

    I've had this account, and I consider myself a newbie.
    I don't do steroids, although I've tried to purchase them in the past. I've been scammed 3 times.

    And that is why I chose s4. It was my only viable option to "being on something."

    Okay, first... what is the status of my health.
    Well, I'm overweight but muscular too. People would say football build. I tend to pack it on easily during the winter, and lose most of it in the summer. Right now, I weigh 240. I've I was 260 during Thanksgiving.

    Am I a bodybuilder? Not a dedicated one. But, I try. I mostly do cardio. I have very good legs, but very flabby arms.

    That is why I decided to try s4. My arms are the weakest part of my body. I laugh when people complain about calves and feel envious about arms.

    And, yes. It's made me very strong in my arms. And they visibly look bigger. I don't measure, but people can tell. This is my 3rd week.

    Some of the stuff I like about s4... well, it does work. And it makes me crazy horny. Last week, I had sex about 6 times in a row and with tons of jizz. Normally, I can go twice no problem. But-- wow. It makes me an assertive lover.

    It's helping me lose fat, even the stuff under the skin. I normally have jelly rolls around my bald head. Most of that is gone.

    But here's what I dislike.
    It's starting to make my eyes go unfocused. I don't experience the night problem vision, but occasionally-- I feel my eyes just don't focus. It goes away when I stop for a day or two.

    And it made me break out in hives once. The underneath of my forearms looked like a cat may had scratched me several times. It went away after a shower and a pill of benedryl.

    And I occasionally feel sensations in my skin. It's hard to describe them. It's like a pin of prickling, not painful not delightful-- just odd sensation.

    I EAT like a pig. I just CAN'T get filled. The other day, I drank 3 protein shakes and a bowl of cereal. It was only when I eat a bunch of carrots that I started to feel not hungry.

    And this hunger is painful. I'm losing weight, but I don't want to eat all the time either.

    Now, will I try this again?
    I'm leaning on no.

    I took a big risk to become a guinea pig. And only because I don't believe this would be instant death or irreversible. It's something that should be posted up.

    Now, maybe in the future I will try this again after a long while. In this way, I allow myself a break on my body and time for information to accumulate. Because, as far as I can see, this is risky. Potentially lethal? Well, it's the same risk for steroids I think.

    What I do hope is to keep the gains and the strength. So, I plan to write back and tell everyone how it's like after this experience.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England
    How long where you taking S4 before you started seeing effects?
    Good report pal

  3. #3
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Mt. Olympus
    thanks guinea pig. good info

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    San Jose, California
    aye, guinee pig... that I am.

    Well, the effects didn't start until the second week. Although, on the first week, I did have my eyes "jump" for a second or two. But that is normal to me when I read for some reason. But that one time it felt odd.

    One thing that I did forget to tell.
    I am on Clen and t3 simultaneously, although I take the two (or one) in the morning... and the s4 in the evening half an hour before lifting.

    I got guests here, brb... ciao...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks for the post Fli...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Awesome, fli...keep the posts coming!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    great info keep it coming, so you are on s4,clen and t3, that should really cut you up nicely. please keep giving us new info.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by fli View Post
    i've had this account, and i consider myself a newbie.
    I don't do steroids, although i've tried to purchase them in the past. I've been scammed 3 times.

    And that is why i chose s4. It was my only viable option to "being on something."

    okay, first... What is the status of my health.
    Well, i'm overweight but muscular too. People would say football build. I tend to pack it on easily during the winter, and lose most of it in the summer. Right now, i weigh 240. I've i was 260 during thanksgiving.

    Am i a bodybuilder? Not a dedicated one. But, i try. I mostly do cardio. I have very good legs, but very flabby arms.

    That is why i decided to try s4. My arms are the weakest part of my body. I laugh when people complain about calves and feel envious about arms.

    And, yes. It's made me very strong in my arms. And they visibly look bigger. I don't measure, but people can tell. This is my 3rd week.

    Some of the stuff i like about s4... Well, it does work. And it makes me crazy horny. Last week, i had sex about 6 times in a row and with tons of jizz. Normally, i can go twice no problem. But-- wow. It makes me an assertive lover.

    It's helping me lose fat, even the stuff under the skin. I normally have jelly rolls around my bald head. Most of that is gone.

    But here's what i dislike.
    It's starting to make my eyes go unfocused. I don't experience the night problem vision, but occasionally-- i feel my eyes just don't focus. It goes away when i stop for a day or two.

    And it made me break out in hives once. The underneath of my forearms looked like a cat may had scratched me several times. It went away after a shower and a pill of benedryl.

    And i occasionally feel sensations in my skin. It's hard to describe them. It's like a pin of prickling, not painful not delightful-- just odd sensation.

    I eat like a pig. I just can't get filled. The other day, i drank 3 protein shakes and a bowl of cereal. It was only when i eat a bunch of carrots that i started to feel not hungry.

    And this hunger is painful. I'm losing weight, but i don't want to eat all the time either.

    Now, will i try this again?
    I'm leaning on no.

    I took a big risk to become a guinea pig. And only because i don't believe this would be instant death or irreversible. It's something that should be posted up.

    Now, maybe in the future i will try this again after a long while. In this way, i allow myself a break on my body and time for information to accumulate. Because, as far as i can see, this is risky. Potentially lethal? Well, it's the same risk for steroids i think.

    What i do hope is to keep the gains and the strength. So, i plan to write back and tell everyone how it's like after this experience.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    San Jose, California
    Okay, now that I'm nearly done with the bottle, now I'm starting to see my colors slightly off key.

    However, yellow? No--
    Let me explain.

    I am born color blind. Here's a wikipedia entry of my specific colorblindness (I have the red-green defeciency.)

    Deuteranomaly (most common - 6% of males, 0.4% of females):[18] Having a mutated form of the medium-wavelength (green) pigment. The medium-wavelength pigment is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum resulting in a reduction in sensitivity to the green area of the spectrum. Unlike protanomaly the intensity of colors is unchanged. This is the most common form of color blindness, making up about 6% of the male population. The deuteranomalous person is considered "green weak". For example, in the evening, dark green cars appear to be black to Deuteranomalous people. Similar to the protanomates, deuteranomates are poor at discriminating small differences in hues in the red, orange, yellow, green region of the spectrum. They make errors in the naming of hues in this region because the hues appear somewhat shifted towards red. One very important difference between deuteranomalous individuals and protanomalous individuals is deuteranomalous individuals do not have the loss of "brightness" problem.

    Things sort of looks slightly tinted with green, especially when I am looking through shade.

    I know, I know... "How do you know what's green?" Well, whatever I perceive is green-- THAT's the color that's tinting my vision.

    It's not concerning, and it seems the time of day is a huge factor. During sunset, that's when things are more greeny... it feels like I'm in a forest sometimes. Early mornings very often too. I am thinking whenever the ambience is in an orange color (sunbreak, sunset) that's when I see things more greeny.

    The hunger is not so much of a problem anymore. When I eat two bowls of steel cut oats with a protein shake, it controls my hunger for the rest of the day. I still have a natural appetite. I've learned how to make my own yogurt and kiefer, which has been a great benefit to me. I, being of Latino heritage, lack the ability to digest my own milk like so many of you White people. Yogurt is easy for me to handle. It's so cheap to make yogurt instead of buying it in the store, although-- it's runny. This increased amount of protein, in conjunction of s4, had made my muscles look bigger almost instantaneously. If you're interested in making homemade yogurt, buy a small carton of live culture yogurt (plain is best, although I originally used a strawberry flavored.) Gently heat a quart of milk (I use no fat...) and warm it just enough so that you can comfortably dunk a finger in. Dump a teaspoon of yogurt in it, store it in a container-- and put in a warm place. (In the heat of the sun is fine.) After a few hours, you get cheap very healthy yogurt. (Chill it first before eating it.)

    I've packed quite a lot of muscle on my biceps, triceps, and pecs. These are my weak areas. These are very flabby areas normally, but after this-- they look big but untoned. No doubt it's because there is a layer of fat on them.

    My legs are a different story.
    It's made my legs ripped. My legs, before, were already muscular and lean. This is just purely genetic as I don't work my legs out at all. (22 inch calves... just like many of my adult male cousins. Although, undoubtedly I have the biggest.)

    Well, this stuff made them look like I got a horse shoe behind my calves. And my ass looks good too as it sort of made the muscles of my butt bigger. I put on a pair of jeans, and my butt, hamstrings, and calves pop out really nicely.

    The one thing I like is what it's done to my nipples.
    This is odd, but it's made them "smaller."

    What I mean is that-- I naturally have a layer of fat on my chest so my nipples doesn't look like "pebbles"-- just as you would see on bodybuilders. It doesn't look bad and it doesn't embarrass me. But I just didn't like them. I've always wanted my nipples to look "erect" instead of "puffy."

    This may have been the clen or the t3, but I've used those before together and they never done anything like this before. I think it has to do with the s4, either alone or in combination with the clen and t3.

    Well, I think I have two more days until I'm done with my bottle. I will talk about the effects of being off soon. Ciao-- fli

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    San Jose, California
    It's been a few days since I've taken my s4. My vision is back to normal, and I can still easily handle my weights. The mass I got, however, is going down-- but it's still bigger than before.

    I think the benefit from s4 is that it makes you strong, and keeps you strong. So, it could be helpful to people who want to lift stronger... just enough to get to the next step.

    I am gaining some of my weight again too, although right now I'm off clen and the t4 for a little while. So, I've been running two times a day to control this.

    Do I regret taking s4? No. But will I be a long time user? No, but I will definitely try it again. Just not in the immediate future.

  11. #11
    How long you running your s4 cycle for? Or are you done?

  12. #12
    give us some more updates, looks like you got some good results in strength gains. How long are you running it for? Are you doing any kind of pct for this?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Fil, make sure you do PCT, i already posted this warning in few logs, this shit shut me down good, so be careful.

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