I ask this question because I recently came off a 12wk Test E/Deca cycle & currently on week 2 of PCT...
All my reading on this S4 hype makes me curious. I am thinking about buying a bottle for future use.
My question:
1. When can or would be a good time to start the use of S4 after a cycle as mentioned above? Do i have to wait 12 weeks off aas like the standard rule?
2. Can i jump into it after PCT?
3. Is 100mg/day S4 cycle for 30days the normal way or can it be used longer?
Please let me know what any of you experienced & knowledgeable bros think..
*** I'm interested to know what this is all about & i feel that if S4 is as good as people are saying it is, It wont be long before "they" take it away from us, as "they" do w/ everything else that works on making ppl bigger & stronger..