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Thread: When to start s4 after steroid cycle?

  1. #1

    When to start s4 after steroid cycle?

    I ask this question because I recently came off a 12wk Test E/Deca cycle & currently on week 2 of PCT...

    All my reading on this S4 hype makes me curious. I am thinking about buying a bottle for future use.

    My question:

    1. When can or would be a good time to start the use of S4 after a cycle as mentioned above? Do i have to wait 12 weeks off aas like the standard rule?


    2. Can i jump into it after PCT?

    3. Is 100mg/day S4 cycle for 30days the normal way or can it be used longer?

    Please let me know what any of you experienced & knowledgeable bros think..

    *** I'm interested to know what this is all about & i feel that if S4 is as good as people are saying it is, It wont be long before "they" take it away from us, as "they" do w/ everything else that works on making ppl bigger & stronger..



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    A lot of people use it for 2 months.

    I personally will be using it with pct to help keep gains. I want to start a couple of weeks before ending my cycle so it kicks in when I come off.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by toothache View Post
    A lot of people use it for 2 months.

    I personally will be using it with pct to help keep gains. I want to start a couple of weeks before ending my cycle so it kicks in when I come off.
    ok so it can be used for 2 months, that's part of my question answered.. Thanks.

    But does anybody else have answers to my direct questions of running after a "steroid cycle"..? (as mentioned above)

    I don't want to run something right after coming off aas that is gonna mess me up & screw up my levels, receptors, ect... Let me know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I've seen on other boards where they use it along with pct to help keep gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    You don't - S4 is suppressive. Read the log by Slide. I was also suppressed but mildly.

    You just came off AAS, you need time to recover, even after PCT.

    Lots of crap are being spewed as truth. Read all the logs before even thinking about doing S4. There were/are lots of mis-information thrown out there by vendors/pom pom boys.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    You don't - S4 is suppressive. Read the log by Slide. I was also suppressed but mildly.

    You just came off AAS, you need time to recover, even after PCT.

    Lots of crap are being spewed as truth. Read all the logs before even thinking about doing S4. There were/are lots of mis-information thrown out there by vendors/pom pom boys.

    THANKS BRO! that is kinda what i had in mind. We all know the importance of pct & time off, but don't want to risk suppression for nothing when i'm not even fully "healed" in a sense.

    I think this S4 thing sounds good, but its still too new & early to experiment with out any experienced knowledge. I will keep reading up on this & make a decision way down the road for the future.

  7. #7
    It seems to me, you wouldn't want to run anything that's suppressive at all during time off, much less pct. Moderate users limit their time on/off, so it sounds reasonable to me the only time to use S4 would be during a steroid cycle, where you will be shut down anyway. I'm curious about the benefits of S4 compared to a steroid cycle, assuming they cannot be taken together. If s4 does less than steroids, seems like it would be wasting time when you could be taking steroids instead for greater benefit. Just a thought.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    You don't - S4 is suppressive. Read the log by Slide. I was also suppressed but mildly.
    Suppressive? At 100 mg/day? And this is surprising for you? I have never even thought about going over 50 mg/day in PCT, and now, when I finally received the stuff, I want to run only 20 mg/day, based on what I know about S-4.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    Suppressive? At 100 mg/day? And this is surprising for you? I have never even thought about going over 50 mg/day in PCT, and now, when I finally received the stuff, I want to run only 20 mg/day, based on what I know about S-4.
    What is the point - have you read the logs? Most don't get any effect until they reach 100mg per day. So you are going to take 20mg - I've been doing that, and I feel nothing other than small increase in libido. So at 20mg, you're wasting your time and money.

    If you think keeping at 20mg is not going to suppress (never mind that it won't do anything at that dose) - my blood work is coming and before I get those back, I know I'm suppressed and I've only been taking 15mg per day for my 2nd cycle. Right now, I'm feelin lethargy and feeling all the symptoms of coming out of AAS/PH. I'm now doing full PCT and that's a fact since I don't want this to ruin my natural test production. I'm just sorry I didn't do PCT on my 1st cycle.
    Last edited by endus; 02-13-2010 at 11:12 AM. Reason: clearer writeup

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by endus View Post
    What is the point - have you read the logs? Most don't get any effect until they reach 100mg per day. So you are going to take 20mg - I've been doing that, and I feel nothing other than small increase in libido. So at 20mg, you're wasting your time and money.
    I don't waste my money, because I use it for PCT. I won't use high doses, unless the problems with metabolism are completely cleared. And most people start at 100 mg/day anyway, so saying that 20 mg/day is completely useless is a bit premature. I actually take something between 20-30 mg/day, because the applicator is crappy and it can't be dosed properly.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    I don't waste my money, because I use it for PCT. I won't use high doses, unless the problems with metabolism are completely cleared. And most people start at 100 mg/day anyway, so saying that 20 mg/day is completely useless is a bit premature. I actually take something between 20-30 mg/day, because the applicator is crappy and it can't be dosed properly.
    Then you need to re-read everything again. You are taking something that suppress you for PCT - Go figure!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    yea I think you can run it for a month with your pct and could be very good for keeping gains. I think sarms has a lot of uses depending on what your looking for, dose, diet and training.

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