Hey all Necrosaro here and with recieveing my sarms(Andarine) from Lion I started yesterday with these stats.
Age: 25
Height: 5'9
Cycle Experience: There was no previous cycle experience with sarms however has one cycle previously of anavar and t-bol both ran at 40mgs for 7weeks.
Body Fat: 12-14(never got tested;just a guess)
Past time: Non Smoker,very little drinker
Physical information: I wear contacts 90 percent of the time,have had issues with joints from time to time as I got older.
Cycle includes:: Three bottles of Sarms(Andarine),Anadrol and Proviron
Blood Pressure: 123/79
Training experience: Been doing Tae Kwon Do since I was 7(now 25), started off when a kid doing basic pushups and situps and moved onto weights at 18
Day One
As I recieved my sarms yesterday I started that day as well. I will be running sarms at 50mgs till the end of the month then upping it too 100mgs there after for a month. My first thoughts when taking a look at the sarms is that it looks like teen age mutant ninga turtle goo. After taking some with no juice it gave me a very minty like taste(but not in a good way). The taste stayed with me for about 10 minutes then disappeared. I did end up getting some juice to rinse out my mouth however after. Dosing is 25mgs in the morning and 25mgs in the evening before Tae Kwon Do. Nothing of course has happened so far however it is the first day and nothing should be expected. There was one side note I would like to state and that is I felt a rush through my body for some reason. Maybe it was the very intense minty taste it gave me but not too sure what it was; same thing happened the next day and will keep you all updated on it. It would last about 20 minutes then go away.
I also have some anadrol(ran at 100mgs) which I will be including into my cycle after this month is over. Why I am doing this and not using it as a jump start is for the fact to see how sarms are going to react to having anadrol put in midway towards the end of the cycle. I may also try t-bol(which I enjoy) sometime as well in a different cycle. A week before I start the anadrol I will be also adding in some proviron to get the most out of this cycle.
Day two
Nothing really new here and that is to be expected. I have not checked my weight and won't till a week has gone by. Same thing happened as the last day where I felt some kind of surge but leaves after 20 minutes which I still think is just the intense taste from the sarms. I also have another Tae Kwon Do class tonight.