Hey guys
After my recent failed attempt at doing test e @250mg twice a week, im going to give sarms a try.
Only reason i failed was, the first shot, i got infected, im on anti biotics for a week as per the good ole doctor. Tossed my 2nd bottle, kept my first one until im clear from the doc, in case any complications come up.
Here are my stats
Height - 5'5
Weight - 146
Barbell Flat Bench - 225x6
DB Flat Press - 95x6
Barbell Incline - 185x10
DB Incline Press - 80x6
Dips BW + 90lbs x 10
CGBP - 135x12
Military Press - 175x6
DB Shoulder Press - 70x6
Barbell Rows - 225x6
Wide Grip Pull ups - BW +45lbx8
Wide Grip Pulldowns - 220x6
Leg Press - 320x10
Barbell Bicep CUrl - 60lbx12i know
Going to order today, and get it some time next week after i get better