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Thread: just finished up my SARM cycle.

  1. #1

    just finished up my SARM cycle.

    i said i was gonna make a log but i wound up not having as much free time as i thought.

    i used them for 30 days. 100mg doses split into 2 50mg doses daily.
    they didnt make me feel any different but i started out at low doses and worked into the full 100mg after about a week. a week after using at 100mg my strength started to go up. i could lift more weight almost every day for about 2 weeks. after the 2 weeks i was still getting stronger but at a much much slower rate. the side effects kicked in at about the same time as the strength increases. i didnt see any kind of tint effect but i did notice that headlights or streetlights...almost any kind of lights had giant diagonal streaks coming from them the same color as the light itself. i didnt get any black spots but changes from dark to light or light to dark took a lot longer to adjust. about 2-5 minutes. i did find out about 3 days after i ran out my test levels were ridiculously low. i was struggling to lift weight that i was comfortable with before doing the sarms....struggling to stay awake during the day. i think its very important that you PCT this stuff.

    also it might be good to know i lost 2 percent body fat....although its probably a result of the more intense workouts it allowed me to do. i think thats about all ive got so hopefully this helps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks for the report.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    New Jersey
    "i did find out about 3 days after i ran out my test levels were ridiculously low. i was struggling to lift weight that i was comfortable with before doing the sarms....struggling to stay awake during the day. i think its very important that you PCT this stuff".

    This is crazy. Only 3 days after he finished he felt weaker. From reading logs on many different sites I'm thinking it all depends on where you buy your S-4. I think some places are more or less potent then others. Seems like some people never feel shut down or keep most of there gains and stregnth and others have a really bad experience after there done. I really believe it depends on who you buy from.

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