How many people are still using sarms with all this confusion going on...
lions sarms
other source
no sarms
im using just not now
no not ever
How many people are still using sarms with all this confusion going on...
not now, but i am considering doing another cycle if my test bounce back to where it was before, i just regret not doing a proper PCT the first time.
No way. Bass, find a source and get some Test. If you're going to be shutdown, might as go with something more solid.
I put in my order and plan on using it for pct. I've seen conflicting reports about shutting you down. I also plan on only running 50mg/day.
I purchased S4 from ar-r last week, got here monday. I am planning on running it w/ clen, see what it does for me..
ar-r chems are legit, very trustworthy.
In about 2-3 weeks I will be placing my order for sarms.
Used it....loved it (not like test but good enough) Will definitely be buying more.
When I do I will be getting mine from ARR.
I will go with ARR when I go with sarms, seen a few logs with their chems, and they are trustworthy.
I have read all the available info about S-4 again and I came to conclusion that at worst, we don't take any poison. S-4 went successfully through phase I clinical trials. Basically it means that most people shouldn't experience any serious sides, when taking S-4 in reasonable doses.
I wrote to GTx today and I asked them, if they could explicitly inform me about the current state of the research concerning S-4. The info I have suggests that further research of S-4 simply wasn't supported due to a lack of funds, and GTx preferred its more advanced derivative, Ostarine, instead.
My personal experience with S-4 has been limited to doses 30-35 mg/day so far, and after 6 weeks I must say that these doses were barely able to stop strength loses after my Anavar cycle. S-4 seems to be a pretty weak stuff when compared with steroids, mg per mg, because even mere 10 mg Anavar can accomplish what I expected from S-4 during my PCT. Hence I increased the dosage up to 45 mg/day.
I would like to do a sarms cycle soon with ar-r sarms, lots of decent reviews and I know they are legit sarms.
there are probably a lot of fakes out there, especially with new chems, I would go with a trusted name like ar-r for my sarms.
sarms is not as hard to get as you people think it is... i have a couple of cheap sources already...and its the same as lions i have used three different companys so far and had results from all three
yes. it had only been a year since i last had my levels checked and they were middle of the road then. The only thing ive done since is sarms, well besides prot shakes, creatine, you know otc stuff.
i might also add i wasnt using Lions stuff. Dont know if it makes a diff or not but I dont want it to seem as im bashing his product.
after i did a proper PCT my test went up significantly, way more than by base, but the spike could be because of Nolva, however i am doing another blood test soon to see if they've dropped! i doubt that sarms shut you down like that! but you never know. how old are you and what was your sarm dose per day?
People shouldn't blame S-4, if they use 100 mg/day or more. That's their own fault. I think that 50 mg/day (or slightly more) is the best dose. However, 12 drops (ca. 35 mg/day) was a minimum during my PCT. At a lower dose, I was slowly losing my strength gains. In fact, I didn't feel anything until I increased the dose to 50 mg/day. But then it worked really perfectly. I felt better than ever before on steroids.
Bass: age 34 and i was dosing 50mg/day the first couple of weeks then 75mg/day the last little bit.
Steroidman99: what else would one blame? Ive never done a cycle before, i rarely drink alchohol, my diet is better than the average american. Perhaps before you jump to conclusions about someones dose and whos fault is what you should ask questions so you can make an intelligent and informed coment.
I've ordered sarms. Looking forward to trying it.
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