Originally Posted by
Triple Stack
I didn't want to write a whole log about during my experience, but instead decided to summarize my experience afterwards.
In one sentence: SARMS was extremely beneficial during, and after my PCT.
I came off a 15 wk Deca/Sustanon cycle end of February. I began with 50mg of S4 along with the start of my Clomid & Nolva dosing at mid-March. After a week, I was getting some night vision issues (yes, from only 50mg). I suppose sides vary from individual to individual. Anyway I backed down to only 25mg S4 for the remaining 3 weeks of PCT, and sight improved.
My strength remained at about 90% of during cycle, and weight dipped from 222 to 215, but with less bloat - harder looking. My energy & focus remained very good during PCT, especially during the critical time for me of 2 weeks in to it when I usually crash. I must also add that I started Clen at the 2 week point dosed at 40 mcg (& worked up to 100 mcg until PCT ended). This was great in assisting with energy for my workouts.
I continued the S4 dosage at 25mgs until a week out from PCT, and upped the dosage back to 50mg. My lifts since then are slightly rising and weight is steady at 215. To me this is great news since in the past, all hell breaks loose during & after PCT for me. I'm 41 so I bounce back a little slower, and I don't know how to use HCG, and quite frankly don't really want too...
I'm going to continue the SARMS (at The 50mg max) for another couple weeks. I tend to really flop out the month after PCT. To me, adding SARMS to your PCT is akin to slowly descending in a jet plane to a soft runway landing...as opposed of bailing out at 30,000 feet with just your Clomid/Nolva parachute for a rough landing!
A shout out to Bass who really sailed the uncharted seas of SARMS here on steroid.com. Thanks! And to tballz & the others who pioneered the possibility of using SARMS as a useful PCT tool.