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Thread: Sarms... Holy $hit!!!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by slimy View Post
    Update. Sorry I haven't been on the boards. My life has completely changed overnight. My biggest dream in life has not only come true, but basically fallen in my lap. All of my focus will be now on bringing this into reality. So, I hate to say it, but lifting is officially on the back burner for me now. I still find some time to do some total body, half assed work outs, but I'm blazing through plenty of 18-20 hour days. Will continue this schedule as long as I physically can.

    Okay, as far as SARMS goes: I'm three weeks off of it, no pct. I feel fine. No soft willy syndrome. I'm tired as hell, but that's because I'm working so much.

    I have a ton of real gear with me, but it will probably be a long time before I cycle again.

    My opinion on SARMS: keep dosage low, keep bodyfat low, keep focus high and you will like what SARMS does for you.

    I still think the the two weeks off/ two weeks on would work. I just don't have the time to be a guinea pig anymore.

    Wish me luck fellas, this is the biggest undertaking of my life.
    thanks for the info slimy, i will also be running sarms soon, i won ARR's competiton the other day so my s4 is almost free !
    good luck with whatever it is your doing...

    Just one question, seeing as your no begginer to AAS and sarms, what steroid would you say is most like sarms ? is it like test ? or more like a mild oral like var or winny....or are the effects in a world of there own ?

  2. #42
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    Sep 2009
    Congrats on your ARR victory. Hope the SARMS works as well for you as it did for me.

    As far as comparisons go, SARMS is much milder than say test. You will not get the mass from SARMS like you would a 'real' cycle. I think maybe the 'hardness' of SARMS is comparable to winstrol, but with out the dry joint feeling I get from winny. Winstrol kills my joints, SARMS seemed to make my joints feel better. EQ is a very mild steroid that I love, and most on this board hate. Vascularity is very similar to that. Maybe if EQ works well for you, SARMS would work well too? Just a guess.

    I've never had anything hit me so fast before. Pumps start either the first or second day. You will definately 'feel' SARMS quickly.

    Keep dosage low and wear sunglasses. The vision thing is really not that bad.

    Good luck, yo.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimy View Post
    Congrats on your ARR victory. Hope the SARMS works as well for you as it did for me.

    As far as comparisons go, SARMS is much milder than say test. You will not get the mass from SARMS like you would a 'real' cycle. I think maybe the 'hardness' of SARMS is comparable to winstrol, but with out the dry joint feeling I get from winny. Winstrol kills my joints, SARMS seemed to make my joints feel better. EQ is a very mild steroid that I love, and most on this board hate. Vascularity is very similar to that. Maybe if EQ works well for you, SARMS would work well too? Just a guess.

    I've never had anything hit me so fast before. Pumps start either the first or second day. You will definately 'feel' SARMS quickly.

    Keep dosage low and wear sunglasses. The vision thing is really not that bad.

    Good luck, yo.
    thanks, good info mate, im starting my sarms in a few weeks after my summer break has finished, ile keep everyone updated on the results i get...

  4. #44
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    Oct 2010
    reading all these post on sarms and T3, etc... I have looked at the ARR site and cannot find it anywhere, so as some of you in this post have used this this an injectable or what ? I know it says liquid but that could mean oral. Just looking into trying the T3 for some fat loss. If any have tried the T3, would like some input as to it's effects, both physical effects and side effects like jitters, sleeplessness, etc.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by moniker00 View Post
    reading all these post on sarms and T3, etc... I have looked at the ARR site and cannot find it anywhere, so as some of you in this post have used this this an injectable or what ? I know it says liquid but that could mean oral. Just looking into trying the T3 for some fat loss. If any have tried the T3, would like some input as to it's effects, both physical effects and side effects like jitters, sleeplessness, etc.
    the t3 clen combo works great and if you click on the bottle of the s4 you would see that it is an oral liquid just like the clen and it is not harmful on liver

  6. #46
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    I got an opinion on your hypothosis, as a person who suffered permanent eye damage from a drug ( not a sarm) that was only supposed to cause minor visual problems, my advice would be simple.....RUN!!!!

  7. #47
    Good Info

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    good info...thanks...good luck with your thing...whatever it is

  9. #49
    what you taking about 50mg/day
    edit, marcus300

  10. #50
    marcus300's Avatar
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    No links or sources please.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by moniker00 View Post
    reading all these post on sarms and T3, etc... I have looked at the ARR site and cannot find it anywhere, so as some of you in this post have used this this an injectable or what ? I know it says liquid but that could mean oral. Just looking into trying the T3 for some fat loss. If any have tried the T3, would like some input as to it's effects, both physical effects and side effects like jitters, sleeplessness, etc.
    You can't find the sarms on the site? There's a section called 'sarms'. The t3 would be in the 'thermogenics' section. All of ar-r's chems are oral except the peptides.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Walnutz View Post
    You can't find the sarms on the site? There's a section called 'sarms'. The t3 would be in the 'thermogenics' section. All of ar-r's chems are oral except the peptides.
    I think they're out of stock

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Yea, that was a cliffhanger for me!!

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    After all the good info.... Im trying it! 50mg ed. Anybody suggest a quick pct of torem?

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    interesting read and like how you did the comparison to regular gear!!!

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Thanks for posting this. I haven't really heard much great stuff about sarms, so happy it seemed to work for you.

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