Here is my experience with SARMs. I wanted to see what they were about. Most guys talk about using this as a bridge but I wanted to see what Sarms could do alone with no other factors except my daily usage of protein and creatine. I took 50mcg a day for 30 days (1 bottle) from AR-R. No PCT. After about two weeks there were slight noticable gains mostly in vascularity. After 30 Days I gained a little in muscle, felt more ripped. As far as strength goes I think I make the same gains just by working out hard and dieting right. Have know cycle experience to compare it to. Felt all right while on it. Been off for 2 weeks and I feel fine now. The onlly draw back is the vision. Let me tell you that everything they say is true about that and then some at least for me. I noticed after about a week that when in the dark all lights are yellow. After two weeks when I would walk in the house on a sunny day you couldn't see shit for about minute and it only got much longer and more intense towards the end of my dosing. My vision now is a lot better but I don't think it is still quite back to normal. As far as the little bit of size I gained from this I don't think it quite worth messing with my eyes. I would have to say I probably won't hit it again. Going to try a cycle.