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Thread: PCT theory Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?

    PCT theory Question

    I'm planning a 3 month deca / test cycle in the future. Can I theoretically run S4 and Clen for a month then immediately go into the test/deca cycle, then do a PCT?

    If the S4 is going to lower my test levels and the test/deca will lower my test levels afterwards I don't see why I need to do a PCT after it then cycle then do another PCT.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    There is really no proven 'right' or 'wrong' way here, but I believe you have it backwards.

    I would do the test/deca cycle first. Then when you are done with deca and hitting test only for two weeks ( you know to run test two weeks longer than deca, I'm assuming), start hitting the SARMS and clen. When you are done with SARMS , wait about a week and start PCT. In my humble opinion, this will help you keep more gains.

    Just what I would do. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I have heard people use sarms during cycle, pct or by itself, lots of different ways to use it, good luck and tell us how well it works for you.

  4. #4
    I personally believe that doing SARMS for the first 2 weeks you start your Test / Deca will give you kind of a kickstart before the Long ester kicks in...

    And the same thing works when you do your last shot, the gap between last shot & PCT is also another time Id run SARMS to maintain your gains...

    I don't see ANY way this could affect you negatively, only positive outcomes to be honest...

    It won't be anything to make a big deal about, but it will help you maintain strength and gains for that downtime period, just don't do the SARMS DURING PCT , that will hamper your recovery for sure..

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