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Thread: S4 As a kick-start & Bridge!

  1. #1

    S4 As a kick-start & Bridge!

    Theirs been a lot of talk about SARMS (S4) being used as a bridge or for PCT ... I'm going to give you guys a brief outline of my cycle, and I'd love to get your opinions whether this is safe or not.

    SARMS For 3 Weeks or so @ 50MG ED
    At the same Time Start TEST E 250MG / EW For 10 Weeks
    At the 2nd Week Start Anavar @ 80MG / ED for 8 Weeks & Stop SARMS
    Start SARMS Again last 2 weeks of Anavar and two weeks after last Test E Shot
    (50MG /ED ) So for 4 weeks as a "Bridge"

    ... 2 weeks after last Test shot, and day after last dose of SARMS Start PCT

    Clomid & Aromasin Therapy

    The Idea is that SARMS should work well as a "kick-start" for the 2 weeks, and also as a bridge before PCT to keep gains & NOT disturb natural Test Production... so Baisically I don't have that 2 weeks of being between Test & PCT

  2. #2
    Or do you guy think I should also use SARMS at a lower dose like 30MG ED throughout PCT?...

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    test e is taken twice a week. don't be scared of needles

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Australia (VIC)
    You've got so many variables that could effect your results and S4 is so new... How would anyone know if you should adjust your S4 dose? People working with S4 alone are still trying to workout optimum doses.

    If you can get test easily enough and you're happy to use it, why not just use more of that instead?

    btw...some guys are claiming shut down from s4 so doesn't sound like a PCT candidate to me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gRunt View Post
    You've got so many variables that could effect your results and S4 is so new... How would anyone know if you should adjust your S4 dose? People working with S4 alone are still trying to workout optimum doses.

    If you can get test easily enough and you're happy to use it, why not just use more of that instead?

    btw...some guys are claiming shut down from s4 so doesn't sound like a PCT candidate to me.
    i agree!

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