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Thread: A question overlooked on all SARM's logs....

  1. #1

    A question overlooked on all SARM's logs....

    So I have been reading through a lot of logs and I hear it makes you hard and maybe a little bit vascular but I have never actually read where someone stated that they received actual gains in mass.

    I have heard of gains in strength but no one directly commenting on mass gains vs. fat loss or for the lack of a better term before and after BF%.

    I am going to start SARM's after I do a BF water test and see if any real mass is gained.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    The Shore
    From what I've read the studies done by pharm companies showed an increase in lean body mass but the studies were done on older males. I'm interested to see how your experiment goes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    It will not blow you up like aas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Yeah I'd say its like a week anavar from what I've heard. Never tried it yet so don't take that literary.

    Honestly, if I could get my hands on ostarine I would do this shit in a heart beat.

  5. #5
    Ok guys.

    Here goes.

    Age 33
    Height 5'10"
    Weight 222
    BF 20%

    I started today with a 25MG dose and will ramp up to 50MG. Max I will do is 100MG.

    With just 25MG in my system I feel great. In just weight training I can feel the added strength.

    Do note that I taking 60MG of Clen and 60MG of T3.

    I will stop the Clen cycle tomorrow as I feel it's doing nothing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    Ok guys.

    Here goes.

    Age 33
    Height 5'10"
    Weight 222
    BF 20%

    I started today with a 25MG dose and will ramp up to 50MG. Max I will do is 100MG.

    With just 25MG in my system I feel great. In just weight training I can feel the added strength.

    Do note that I taking 60MG of Clen and 60MG of T3.

    I will stop the Clen cycle tomorrow as I feel it's doing nothing.
    i think you should keep the dose at 50mg a day personally, going over that would give you some serious sight issues from my expierience, ive been on 50mg a day for 3 weeks now and the vision sides are quite bad...dont take them lightly...

    also, unless your taking some sort of aas i would stop the T3, i also thought sarms would counteract T3's muscle wasting effect, but i was wrong...

  7. #7

    First day at 50mg. Muscles felt hard but nothing crazy. I have felt more of a pump on Winstrol then SARMs. So far so good.

    Went to the Doc yesterday to get a blood test on my thyroid as I was taking T3 and Clen and stopped on Saturday. I have what I am guessing is T3 induced hyperthyroidism but will check back with the doc in a month to see where my levels are at then.

    I havent seen the issues of seeing in the dark BUT I have had the "all lights look yellow" symptom already.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    looking forward to seeing your results mate

  9. #9
    I now have hyperthyroidism. I will never touch T3 again.

    Stopping the SARM's till next month after I get my blood work done again. Sorry guys.

  10. #10
    You probably do NOT HAVE hyperthyroidism but rather your thyroid has not yet come back to normal yet. Stay off T3 for a month or two and chances are you will be fully recovered. The thyroid is EXTREMELY resiliant. Re-test in 2-3 months (if not MUCH SOONER)

    Keep in mind that juice, clen, and even SARMS will affect your Thyroid readings so if you want an accurate test, get off everything for 2-3 months.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    dude you just went off t3 and got a blood test OF COURSE you have hyperthyroid, thats the point of taking t3!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    this log i was interested in aswell

  13. #13
    Im back guys.

    I have a blood test this week to check on my thyroid and give my receptors a break and taking ketofin to clean them up.

    Starting Monday I will be taking a BF accessment test in water to get a accurate # and then I will start with 50MG of ARR SARMS and may take as much as 100MG.

    When I took 50MG of AR-R SARMS I had no vision issues except all light at night was yellow in color and my muscles felt the pump and stayed stuck in the "pump" look for hours after my work out.

    So for those with interest please sit tight.

    I have been thinking if I wanted to get back to CLEN/T3 first but I think either my receptors need to be cleaned or AR-R Clen is just plain weak compared to some underground lab stuff I had last summer that melted 20 lbs of me in a month. I have been told by more then a few people that AR-R Clen is just weak. Also been thinking about doing some Winny/Test for cutting after this test but so far I can't get my hands on any....**** me for moving and not keeping in touch with my gym rat friends!!!

    Any who give me a few days and we will start on the test.

    Do you guys want me to just do the test with no cardio or including my 1 hour cardio a day?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by zoltans4 View Post
    dude you just went off t3 and got a blood test OF COURSE you have hyperthyroid, thats the point of taking t3!
    Not when you are sweating like a mofo yet your weight doesn't budge an inch!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    jtuner by 60mg of clen am assuming you mean 60mcg is that correct??

    if so 60mcg at the .3 mark on the oral syringe and that is a weak dose of clen are you even drawing the syringe back to the .3 mark?? the full syringe is 1ml

    AR-R's clen is not weak....if you're under-dosing or misreading the syringe then that is a completely different issue and doesn't warrant calling their product weak

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    jtuner by 60mg of clen am assuming you mean 60mcg is that correct??

    if so 60mcg at the .3 mark on the oral syringe and that is a weak dose of clen are you even drawing the syringe back to the .3 mark?? the full syringe is 1ml

    AR-R's clen is not weak....if you're under-dosing or misreading the syringe then that is a completely different issue and doesn't warrant calling their product weak
    60mcg is the 30 or .3 line on a 1cc or 1ML syringe. I have taken a month break and started to take ketofin at 3ML a night for the last 2 weeks. Previous to that I took Clen doses all the way up to 160 mcg and still didn't feel the same as what I have felt before. I even took Clen and T3 and I really didn't drop any weight.
    Last edited by jtuner77; 08-29-2010 at 07:57 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    yeah reason i was asking is because i barely felt it currently dosing AR-R's clen @120mcg and its working its ass at day 11 and haven't started the keto yet my BBT is still body weight is currently 172

    you did not lose any weight?? did you lose any body fat???
    Last edited by sixoner; 08-29-2010 at 08:11 PM.

  18. #18
    I had done a BF test pre and post the Clen and no change.

    So either I am immune to it or it's just weak. I mean I do have a good tolerance to EFA's but I doubt it.

    When I was on it I had the sweats and shakes but didn't really drop any weight exact a lb or 2 of water weight and the shakes were not like they used to be.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    New Orleans, LA. U.S.A.
    its definitely possible you are more tolerant to its effect. I haven't dropped any body weight but that's not my intentions either, I am getting leaner though

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