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Thread: A little s4 this week...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Australia (VIC)

    A little s4 this week...

    I've got myself a couple of bottles of s4 from ARR. I was planning on doing 50mg /day , 5 days a week for about 1 month. Then some clomid/nolva.

    Anyway, I thought I'd just try 25mg/day for one week to see if there was any sides that might put me off. The result was kind of interesting.

    I took 12.5 (or close to it) at 7am, and the same dose at 7pm.

    Didn't change from my normal training diet. Didn't change my workout routine either. I should note that for the last 4 or 5 months I've been struglling to get my weight beyond 83kg.

    This week while using andarine I didn't really notice anything different:
    eye sight:same
    libido: pretty much same
    bodyfat: same (i think)
    But my weight has gone up by 1 KG !

    So rather than doing 50mg/day, I think I'm going to stay with 25mg and see how things go over the next few weeks. Will keep ya's posted.

    ps. I weigh myself first thing after I wake up and take a piss.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Australia (VIC)
    oh yeah, I train at lunch time

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    i did 50mg a day for 4 weeks. zero sides, increased weight every workout! my muscles toned up alot from it, was pretty happy with it. unless your pretty light I would stick with the 50mg

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Australia (VIC)
    I'm not really expecting it to go on for long....but how much did you gain in the end zoltans?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    nice good to know it got through customs

  6. #6
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gRunt View Post
    I'm not really expecting it to go on for long....but how much did you gain in the end zoltans?
    well I actually used it on as my anabolic for a t3/clen cycle so I could get down to be ready for a test cycle.
    went from 215lb and 16%bf to 210 at 13%bf, defenition got better and I didn't lose any mass (gained if anything) that I could see. I was really happy. Also as I mentioned before I continued to gain strength in my reps and put on pounds on squat, dead and bench so I was happy.
    at 50mg with the vision sides being beween 1-10 I would say a 2.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkiescumbag View Post
    nice good to know it got through customs
    yeah, they opened the pack but no dramas!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoltans4 View Post
    well I actually used it on as my anabolic for a t3/clen cycle so I could get down to be ready for a test cycle.
    went from 215lb and 16%bf to 210 at 13%bf, defenition got better and I didn't lose any mass (gained if anything) that I could see. I was really happy. Also as I mentioned before I continued to gain strength in my reps and put on pounds on squat, dead and bench so I was happy.
    at 50mg with the vision sides being beween 1-10 I would say a 2.
    So on the 1-10 scale, is 10 can't see or is 10 can't see any problems?

  9. #9
    Big gRUNT: Good luck with cycle and WHO is that in yout avatar? DANGGGGG

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gRunt View Post
    So on the 1-10 scale, is 10 can't see or is 10 can't see any problems?
    Ok, so here is what the 'complaint' or 'side effects' of S4 are:
    night blindness
    slow transition from light to dark- rods and cones in the eye
    light looks yellow in the dark
    blotches in vision upon waking or after eyes are closed a long time

    Noone I know of had any normal visions. So I would say a 10 on the scale would be night blindness, or even the inability to drive at night.

    Quite honestly I wouldn't have noticed ANY 'side effects' if I hadn't read any of these. I think alot of these get noticed more that people are looking for them.

    I had some longer transitions in bright light to darker light- meaning it would have been a longer transition anyway, but was probably a bit longer.
    no night driving or vision issues, not any all lights are yellow stuff... most people have cheap yellow halogen lights on their cars anyway, is this what they were seeing?
    Saw very short lived blotches waking up in middle of night to pee or something, instantly went away, wouldn't have even related it if it hadn't been mentioned before.

    so 1 being none and 10 being night blindness, I put myself at a 2.
    also I have perfect vision, this may be worse in those with weaker vision or already are predisposed to night time vision issues.
    50mg split up in 2 doses daily for 4 weeks.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gRunt View Post
    yeah, they opened the pack but no dramas!
    how long did it take. its been 7 days and i havent got mine yet

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Thanks for keeping us posted! i guarantee you, you will change your opinion on the sides intensity within a weeks or two!

    Quote Originally Posted by zoltans4 View Post
    Ok, so here is what the 'complaint' or 'side effects' of S4 are:
    night blindness
    slow transition from light to dark- rods and cones in the eye
    light looks yellow in the dark
    blotches in vision upon waking or after eyes are closed a long time

    Noone I know of had any normal visions. So I would say a 10 on the scale would be night blindness, or even the inability to drive at night.

    Quite honestly I wouldn't have noticed ANY 'side effects' if I hadn't read any of these. I think alot of these get noticed more that people are looking for them.

    I had some longer transitions in bright light to darker light- meaning it would have been a longer transition anyway, but was probably a bit longer.
    no night driving or vision issues, not any all lights are yellow stuff... most people have cheap yellow halogen lights on their cars anyway, is this what they were seeing?
    Saw very short lived blotches waking up in middle of night to pee or something, instantly went away, wouldn't have even related it if it hadn't been mentioned before.

    so 1 being none and 10 being night blindness, I put myself at a 2.
    also I have perfect vision, this may be worse in those with weaker vision or already are predisposed to night time vision issues.
    50mg split up in 2 doses daily for 4 weeks.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Thanks for keeping us posted! i guarantee you, you will change your opinion on the sides intensity within a weeks or two!
    i only did a 4 week cycle on it at 50mg ed. no vision issues, im well aware of your log but we have a difference of 20years of age and double the dosage...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whacked View Post
    Big gRUNT: Good luck with cycle and WHO is that in yout avatar? DANGGGGG
    Cheers mate. Her name is Taylor someone...or maybe its someone Taylor...I don't know, she just does my laundry.

  15. #15
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    Zoltans: Thanks for clarifying.

    Quote Originally Posted by junkiescumbag View Post
    how long did it take. its been 7 days and i havent got mine yet
    Junkies cum bag: I think it was about 10-11 days. It got stuck in customs for about 3 days I think. I freaked out when I saw it get stuck there!

  16. #16
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    I'm pretty much at the end of week 2 (1.5 days to go). Still no side effects. Light transitions are fine.
    Still no change in most of the things I mentioned in the first post. But pumps are coming on a little more easily and recovery has shortened (was taking 3-4 days, now 1-2 ).

    I put a mouthful of water in a glass, then put my squirt of s4 into that. Swish it around and down the hatch. Doesn't taste too bad at all. Bit like bitter mouthwash.

  17. #17
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    end question... does it work and is it worth it?

  18. #18

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gRunt View Post
    ...I don't know, she just does my laundry.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ...aydn... View Post
    end question... does it work and is it worth it?
    Still working that out.

    This week I've been doing 15mg x 2 per day (7am & 7pm)

    This week my weight has gone up a little bit again. Usually it's not this easy to gain weight. The pumps have been fuller and come on more easily. But the pumps don't last any longer than usual.

    It's definitely doing something, and I haven't noticed any side effects yet.

    Still got half a bottle to go.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whacked View Post
    Yeah that pic is her "guilty but in denial" look after I caught her sniffing my undies. She's trying to steal a pair that I left some skid marks on.

  21. #21
    Bwahahaahhaaaa, you're a lucky man

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2006
    thanks for the sarms updates, keep em coming?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    I would personally up your dose to 50+mg/day, split in 2 doses, especially if you're looking for lean weight gains.
    I think you might be throwing your money away under doseing it at 12-25Mg.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 09-16-2010 at 11:08 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5 View Post
    I would personally up your dose to 50+mg/day, split in 2 doses, especially if you're looking for lean weight gains.
    I think you might be throwing your money away under doseing it at 12-25Mg.
    yeah, maybe I am. I might try that on the next cycle. I haven't put on any more weight this week it seems. But even at this dosage it's effected my prostate. In the last couple of days after I've taken a piss it feels like I still need to piss. And I get blue balls more easily. we'll see.

  25. #25
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    It's been a few weeks since I finished the bottle of S4 now. While I didn't feel that I needed it, I decided to to do Nolva 20/20/10/10 . In the first couple of weeks of PCT I noticed my sex drive was down. Seems to be ok again now. However, at the time I finished the S4 and the first few days of pct, I had consistent morning wood and good sex drive.

    Any way, I had to move house and haven't been at the gym for 2 weeks(the 1st 2 weeks of my pct) damn it. Been back at the gym for a couple of days now. Will weigh in tomorrow and post.

    Never had any problems with the eyes while using s4 at this dose.

  26. #26
    Hey gRunt, great to hear about your lack of vision sides. I hope it goes the same for me. Quick question for you and those reading the thread - I am about to start running S4 I picked up way back in July but decided to do an AAS cycle instead and am now using this to bridge. I noticed the bottle (ARR) has a fair amount of solid white chunks in it (not sure if they were there when I first got it). Its been sitting in a dark closet at room temperature. I am wondering if that is normal. I shaked it around a bit but not vigorously. The solids do not seem like they will dissolve.

    Also, does it need to be refrigerated after opening? Thanks for any help as well as this great log!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    just shake the hell out of it, thats normal for this chem to chunk up like that. and no you don't need to refrigerate.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    just shake the hell out of it, thats normal for this chem to chunk up like that. and no you don't need to refrigerate.
    Thanks! I had actually refrigerated it after taking it at room temp this morning - it definitely goes down easier colder! Glad to know I don't have to keep it that way though.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    How do you guys find the rate of fat loss? Is it very noticeable? I was thinking of giving S4 a try.

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