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Thread: Total noob need info about letrozole / albuterol

  1. #1

    Total noob need info about letrozole / albuterol

    Hi guys 22 year old, been lifting for the past 5 years.. only did get serious about a year and a half ago.. I used to be 220 lbs @ 25% bf about 2 years ago... I am 170 @ about 10-12% at the moment.. Fairly lean, look great in clothing.. I had gyno when i was 16 surgery(doc didnt do a good job), i still have puffy nips i would like to remove them. Abs Look brilliant in over head lighting ( 6 pack ) look bad in regular lighting due to absurd storage of fat ( obliques ) lower abs

    I heard about Letrozole helping remove gyno, please help me out with this .. i have used the search feature but i am not getting the green signal to go ahead and try it.

    I will post pics up tomorrow, I am also at this point where I look really good with clothes but I am not confident to take my tee off even though i am really lean ( puffy nips ) and fat on lower abs / obliques REFUSE to come off no matter what I do. Bad fat storing genetics I guess. I would like to know about Albuterol / Letrozole ( I am planning on ordering the lion research chemical )

    Basically I want to get rid of puffy nips and lose the last few lbs of fat.

    My diet is in check, I workout 4-5x a week and do moderate cardio post workout and train abs too.
    Last edited by LeanDemon; 09-15-2010 at 02:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    First, wrong section!

    i can't advise you about your gyno, but as far as fat loss you can still do it. it doesn't sound like you do enough cardio, up your cardio, do few sessions a week 45-60 minutes in the morning. i also hit a brick wall in terms of fat loss, and what helped me is change my routine, i used to eat 8 times a day, after a while stopped loosing weight, then i changed to eating 5 times a day and more workout, after a while a stopped loosing fat, and now i am back to 8 meals a day and still work hard! and its showing that i am loosing fat. also i used to do cardio on empty stomach in the morning, now i do it after my first two meals, just trying to confuse my body! you just got to stick with it and keep changing every time you hit a Plateau!

    As for Albuterol I’ll let the experts guide you!

    Quote Originally Posted by LeanDemon View Post
    Hi guys 22 year old, been lifting for the past 5 years.. only did get serious about a year and a half ago.. I used to be 220 lbs @ 25% bf about 2 years ago... I am 170 @ about 10-12% at the moment.. Fairly lean, look great in clothing.. I had gyno when i was 16 surgery(doc didnt do a good job), i still have puffy nips i would like to remove them. Abs Look brilliant in over head lighting ( 6 pack ) look bad in regular lighting due to absurd storage of fat ( obliques ) lower abs

    I heard about Letrozole helping remove gyno, please help me out with this .. i have used the search feature but i am not getting the green signal to go ahead and try it.

    I will post pics up tomorrow, I am also at this point where I look really good with clothes but I am not confident to take my tee off even though i am really lean ( puffy nips ) and fat on lower abs / obliques REFUSE to come off no matter what I do. Bad fat storing genetics I guess. I would like to know about Albuterol / Letrozole ( I am planning on ordering the lion research chemical )

    Basically I want to get rid of puffy nips and lose the last few lbs of fat.

    My diet is in check, I workout 4-5x a week and do moderate cardio post workout and train abs too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I would suggest clen albuterol didnt really do much for me.

    **I have yet to run clen so keep that in consideration.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    First, wrong section!

    i can't advise you about your gyno, but as far as fat loss you can still do it. it doesn't sound like you do enough cardio, up your cardio, do few sessions a week 45-60 minutes in the morning. i also hit a brick wall in terms of fat loss, and what helped me is change my routine, i used to eat 8 times a day, after a while stopped loosing weight, then i changed to eating 5 times a day and more workout, after a while a stopped loosing fat, and now i am back to 8 meals a day and still work hard! and its showing that i am loosing fat. also i used to do cardio on empty stomach in the morning, now i do it after my first two meals, just trying to confuse my body! you just got to stick with it and keep changing every time you hit a Plateau!

    As for Albuterol I’ll let the experts guide you!
    ughh hate morning cardio but im gonna have to try that i guess, empty stomach cardio for 45-60 minutes? wont that end up burning muscle though? Sorry about the wrong section, can a mod please move it to the right section.

    Looking for some help on the letro / albuterol too, thanks

    here are pics as promised, as u can tell my fat storing genetics are horrible and i have puffy nips too

    i want to take my physique to the next level,i am honestly not happy with my physique right now.. wanna get my mid section more aesthetically pleasing and get rid of the damn puffy nips

    any idea what my bf% is?
    Last edited by LeanDemon; 09-15-2010 at 11:38 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    you are very lean, if you bulked up and didnt put on much fat you would look better imho

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    You're pretty shredded. I would kill for your genetics. Don't be so critical of yourself. Bulk up your lats a bit and the very tiny amount of fat you may have on the obliques will seem to dissapear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    By the way, I experienced way more jitters and cramping with Clen than albuterol, regardless of the huge amounts of taurine I was taking. i would stick to the Albuterol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Middle America
    IMHO You are being way to critical on yourself. Sounds like more of a mental issue than a physical one. If I was cut like that I would probably never wear a shirt again. Keep up the good work.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5 View Post
    You're pretty shredded. I would kill for your genetics. Don't be so critical of yourself. Bulk up your lats a bit and the very tiny amount of fat you may have on the obliques will seem to dissapear.
    thanks bro, been hitting my lats really hard now... i think that will help make the physique more aesthetic... i am just not happy with the mid section from the front angle, the obliques are ruining it for me hehe.. could someone pls answer my query about letrozole?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanDemon View Post
    thanks bro, been hitting my lats really hard now... i think that will help make the physique more aesthetic... i am just not happy with the mid section from the front angle, the obliques are ruining it for me hehe.. could someone pls answer my query about letrozole?

    Letro might dry you up a bit, but doesn't look like you're very puffy at all.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    you're crazy! i wish i looked half as lean as you are! i agree with the guys, you're too hard on yourself, just bulk up a little and you'll be fine!

  12. #12
    lmfao take a look at some of my pics ur nipples are normal in comparison.

  13. #13

    these pics are with no pump and stuff, when its cold my nips become smaller and look perfectly normal. Imo if they are the small size permanently my physique would look much better. Thats why im asking people about letro.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    excellent link!

    Quote Originally Posted by CoolStroybro View Post

  16. #16
    * Compulsive mirror checking, glancing in reflective doors, windows and other reflective surfaces.

    * Attempting to camouflage the imagined defect: for example, using cosmetic camouflage, wearing baggy clothing, maintaining specific body posture or wearing hats.

    * Excessive grooming behaviors: skin-picking, combing hair, plucking eyebrows, shaving, etc.

    * Compulsive skin-touching, especially to measure or feel the perceived defect.

    * Seeking reassurance from loved ones.

    * Excessive dieting or exercising, working on outside appearance.

    * Self-harm

    * Comparing appearance/body parts with that/those of others, or obsessive viewing of favorite celebrities or models whom the person suffering from BDD wishes to resemble.

    * Compulsive information-seeking: reading books, newspaper articles and websites that relate to the person's perceived defect, e.g. hair loss or being overweight.

    * Obsession with plastic surgery or dermatological procedures, often with little satisfactory results (in the perception of the patient).

    * In extreme cases, patients have attempted to perform plastic surgery on themselves, including liposuction and various implants with disastrous results.
    Wow I do all of these things, I think the main cause for me is puffy nips.. Really on my mind 24/7... TBH.

  17. #17
    ok guys i have decided to drop albuterol, but i am still interested in the letro.. will it help with pubertal puffy nips?? I really want to know also.. !! Can i only use letro without anything else?? Is it safe to use for 3 weeks or so to see if the puffy nips go away? planning on ordering lion letro.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    same sitch as you. thinking about peircing my nipples so they are hard 24/7 then gyno would be unoticable.

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