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Thread: Progesterone induced gyno - Letro then what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle

    Progesterone induced gyno - Letro then what?

    Would nolvadex or clomid work better for progesterone induced gyno? Just curious if both or either of them would be sufficient in coming off letro. I know they deal with the estrogen receptors, so how might this impact progesterone induced gyno symptoms?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    don't use nolva nor clomid..

    once you have melted away ur lumps use exemestane after letro.. as its a suicide inhibitor and have less rebound estro.

    as for progesterone induced gyno... lol tough subject. i would have either had some caber or pramipexole. then stack a f*cking butt load of vitamin b6. you were meant to do that along side your letro reversal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    The leaking has stopped for the most part. I am just about to start my second bottle of liquid letro. Should I add in some prami every few days to help with the prolactin? Or should I maybe save the prami to taper off???

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