Hello, I decided to share my experience with S-4 from the well-known internet source SxxxSSxxxCH.com
I ordered 1 bottle from him in January 2010. I used it as a sort of PCT after an Anavar cycle and after several weeks of experiments, I found out that the minimal anti-catabolic amount for me was 12 drops (cca 40 mg/day). At 17 drops (55 mg/day), I felt really great and I couldn't wait another cycle with it. The PCT was O.K., too. Apparently, it didn't interfere with my testosterone values, because my lab tests showed growing testosterone concentrations even during S-4 use.
In June 2010, I decided to use Anavar again, and after the cycle, I planned a PCT with S-4 like before.
I contacted the guy and since he promised a discount 35 USD, if I order 3 bottles at once, two my friends-first time users joined, too, and we ordered three bottles for a lower price.
After the end of the Anavar cycle (mid-August) I started to use S-4 - 16 drops (roughly 52 mg/day), which should be a very comfortable dosage. To my surprise, my strength started to fall down. Hence I increased the dosage up to 20 drops (65 mg/day), yet it was only enough to stop strength loss! The great feelings I had enjoyed last time didn't appear, which was really curious. I felt very mild side effects concerning eyes, which suggested that it really contained S-4, but from some reason, it didn't work like before.
At first, I thought that I simply became quickly adapted to it. However, I contacted my friends and they reported a very big disappointment, too, even at 20 drops/day. At the same time, one of them weighs only 70 kg (155 lbs)!
I really see no other explanation than to speculate that the bottles were heavily underdosed and that my discount was not "free". From the results I experienced I would say that it contained 1/3 less S-4 than as labelled.
I wrote to the guy twice, but he didn't reply - obviously because "it's not for human consumption, blah blah blah...". This experience indicates that one can't rely on some internet homebrews and who knows, what a sh*t the bottles actually contain.