Hi all new here,
I am 6'6 110 (242lb) and I have been training for over five years. I intend to do my first cycle of Test E @ 500mg per week.
I know I am 100% prone to Gyno and I am very sensitive in that area to Estrogen I know this because I had Gyno during puberty which went away and I also did a short stint on Propecia which caused sensitivity in the nipples, so I know I am going to get Gyno symptoms straight off the bad.
I am here seeking advice on the best preventative measures, I want to run an AI and an Estrogen blocker throughout my entire 12 week cycle but I need guidance on which AI and E Blocker to take and what dose.
I was thinking of starting Arimidex two weeks before I start the Test E Cycle I would take Arimidex EOD and also take Nolva 20mg ED.
So basically I would be running Arimidex and Nolva two weeks before the cycle and I would continue running the two through out the entire 12 week cycle.
What do you guys think? Should I do this and if so what dose, if not what should I do because I know I am prone to Gyno
Many thanks!