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Thread: Gyno Prone 1st Cycle Test E - Nolva/Arimidex/Letro or All 3?

  1. #1

    Gyno Prone 1st Cycle Test E - Nolva/Arimidex/Letro or All 3?

    Hi all new here,

    I am 6'6 110 (242lb) and I have been training for over five years. I intend to do my first cycle of Test E @ 500mg per week.

    I know I am 100% prone to Gyno and I am very sensitive in that area to Estrogen I know this because I had Gyno during puberty which went away and I also did a short stint on Propecia which caused sensitivity in the nipples, so I know I am going to get Gyno symptoms straight off the bad.

    I am here seeking advice on the best preventative measures, I want to run an AI and an Estrogen blocker throughout my entire 12 week cycle but I need guidance on which AI and E Blocker to take and what dose.

    I was thinking of starting Arimidex two weeks before I start the Test E Cycle I would take Arimidex EOD and also take Nolva 20mg ED.

    So basically I would be running Arimidex and Nolva two weeks before the cycle and I would continue running the two through out the entire 12 week cycle.

    What do you guys think? Should I do this and if so what dose, if not what should I do because I know I am prone to Gyno

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    U really just want to controll estrogen levels, an AI should be all u need

    Adex @ 0.5mg EOD worked fine for me at a similar dose of test P

    As you are so concerned i supose you could use a SERM like nolva to block the E receptor....

    I would rather controll the E in the first place with an AI, if i were to run the nolva tho i think it would be more like 10mg ed rather than 20

    Swifto is the man to ask

  3. #3
    How about if I played it safe and did .5mg Adex EOD and 10mg Nolva ED for the entire cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i am very sensitive to gyno also,, i was takeing 500mg of sust 250 for 10 wks and i took .5mg of arimidex eod and it was fine for me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    if you post this in the right section you will get more help! this is the SARMs section!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    5-10mg Nolva all the way through.

    Blocking E has its own unwanted side effects like dry joints and messed up cholesterol values. This is only if you take too much though, I get these side effects sometimes at even .25mg EOD

    Unless you bloat easy I say nolva if you wanna be safe. If bloating is an issue too then arimidex is a better option.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by minimonster View Post
    i am very sensitive to gyno also,, i was takeing 500mg of sust 250 for 10 wks and i took .5mg of arimidex eod and it was fine for me
    Ah that's great to know thanks for your reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    if you post this in the right section you will get more help! this is the SARMs section!
    I'm sorry mate just saw that mistake, my bad!

    Quote Originally Posted by covert025 View Post
    5-10mg Nolva all the way through.

    Blocking E has its own unwanted side effects like dry joints and messed up cholesterol values. This is only if you take too much though, I get these side effects sometimes at even .25mg EOD

    Unless you bloat easy I say nolva if you wanna be safe. If bloating is an issue too then arimidex is a better option.
    Yeah I will probably do Adex 0.5mg EOD for the entire cycle.

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