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Thread: confused about clen. says one thing and im told

  1. #1
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    Jun 2010

    confused about clen. says one thing and im told

    i ordered my first cycle of clen from AR-R,along with the taurine supp they sell.

    i had my dosing times planned out and everything and i thought i had all my questions answered and finnalized with no confusion......untill i read this....

    "In addition, since Clenbuterol alone is similar to clen+ exercise for those first 2 weeks...why would you ever use a 2on/2off protocol?"

    "I´m sure that you get the idea that 2on/2off is not a great dosing protocol. If I were using clen, I´d be using it for 6-12 weeks at a time, if I expected to get maximum results from it, but certainly, the most dramatic effects on fat loss appear to be in weeks 1-2."

    the was what i found on the profiles.

    now what do i do? do i do the 2 on 2 off or do i just go right thru 6-12 weeks on the whole time? im so confused on what to do,as far as that goes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Are you running it with Keto or T3?

  3. #3
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    not this time. wanted to try it by itself to see how well it works. next go around i will run it with T3 or keto, tho.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    The only way clen is still effective after 2 weeks is if you supplement with ketotifen. Ketotifen up-regulates the receptors.

  5. #5
    if you wish to run it straight through instead of keto you can also take benadryl for two weeks before you go to bed. this will recharge your receptors

  6. #6
    if you wish to run it straight through instead of keto you can also take benadryl for two weeks before you go to bed. this will recharge your receptors

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    A lot of people are saying the benadryl info is bunk (despite the profile). I am not saying that from experience, I do the 2 on, 2 off cycle. Just thought you might want to investigate it further.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000 View Post
    if you wish to run it straight through instead of keto you can also take benadryl for two weeks before you go to bed. this will recharge your receptors
    this is incorrect dyphenhydramine(benadryl) does not prevent tachyphylaxis associated with the continual use of beta-2 adrenergic agonists/antogonists such as does not re-sensitize the beta-2 adrenergic receptors. it does not make clenbuteral optimally effective by supporting the beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

    clenbuteral selectively targets the beta-2 adrenergic receptors for its effect. from continual use the receptors will become desensitized, depending on the dosage can be anywhere from around 9days+. once the receptors are de-sensitized the clenbuteral will be ineffective. at which point you can supplement with ketotifen to re-sensitize the receptors and continue using clenbuteral effectively or allow time for the receptors to recover naturally(approx14days+) before continuing to use clenbuteral effectively.

    from my experience it is best to supplement ketotifen from day1 and through out to keep the receptors sensitive and clenbuteral working optimally...or simply discontinue use after 10days of significant dosing and allow the receptors to recover naturally.

    benadryl does not work...all it will do is leave you completely stupefied and your receptors will still be trashed and the clen will not be effective

  9. #9
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    ok, thank you for yalls help. im doin the stuff that the "handbook" says. starting of with 20mcg's for today.

  10. #10
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    I disagree with tapering down clenbuteral without supplementing ketotifen it is completely pointless to taper down as the compound will have a diminishing effect on its own due to tachyphylaxis setting in. once the beta-2 adrenergic receptors become de-sensitized from continual use increasing the dose will be ineffective so decreasing the dose is completely and absolutely pointless obviously.

    I also disagree with taking ephedra immediately after clenbuteral use. again, without supplementing ketotifen the reason you are discontinuing use of clenbuteral is to allow your beta-2 adrenergic receptors time to recover. ephedra also taxes the beta-2 adrenergic receptors so taking ephedra immediately after clenbuteral will not allow your receptors to recover.

    also disagree with 17days of continuous use of clenbuteral without supplementing ketotifen to support the beta-2 adrenergic receptors. at 17 days taking a considerable dose of clenbuteral continously the tachyphalaxis would have set in about a week ago, rendering the compound ineffective again once the receptors are de-sensitized increasing the dose does not make the compound any more effective, it simply just does not have an effect
    Last edited by sixoner; 03-18-2011 at 07:59 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    ok, so what would you do and how would you dose it?

  12. #12
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    without ketotifen I wouldn't bother with it..if I did I would discontinue use after 10 consecutive days and allow 14 days minimum for my receptors to recover naturally during which time I would not take any compounds that negatively effect the beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

    I would not bother with 20-40mcg youre pissing in the wind at those doses...I only tapered up the first time 60mcg, 80mcg, 100mcg, 120mcg. maintaining 120mcg for the duration. every other time I started @120mcg because I am familiar with the effect of 120mcg so by logic I just got down to business. if you cant handle the effects of clenbuteral then in my opinion it is not worth fuking with. it is a very harsh compound.

    my logic as far as not bothering to use clenbuteral without ketotifen is. expecting to get incredible results from a compound in such short period of time simply suggests that you are hanging way too much on the compound it is not a miracle. assuming everything else is in order as far as diet and training it will allow you to get through sticky spots and such but expecting to lose any significant amount of body fat in the 10days that it takes for tachyphylaxis to set in expecting it to work magic youre just going to be disappointed.

    the best results I had with the compound was dosing at 120mcg ed, supplementing 2mg ketotifen ed from the very beginning, and staying on 3-4weeks at a time.

    there are other ways to use the compound logically obviously. but that is what I found that worked the best for my purposes

  13. #13
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    well, i just dont have he cash for keto, so thats out. are you saying that i wont see much, if anything without that keto being ran with it?
    yesterday all i took was 20mcg,but figured that was too low of a dosage, so i woke up and took 40mcg and plan on taking another 40mcg today. tomorrow, i will work on getting to 100mcg (total) and see how it works for me. as for right now, im shakey and am pretty damned anxious to the point i have problems staying still for any period of time. i nearly yelled at people for taking too long in the checkout line at the store

  14. #14
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    im not saying that at all bro youre fine, after 10 days of continuous use just take some time off to allow your receptors to recover. follow the 2week on, 2week off protocol..let us know how it goes

  15. #15
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    ooooh, ok man. i didnt wanna seem like i was being an ass. i just wanted to understand you if full. i will. so far today at 80mcg(total) Clen,2g's of taurine(total), and 1.5-2 gallons of far..i feel like im a good bit fuller and harder. i cant say as to weather my jeans are just having a "loose" day or if im already seeing results. altho i doubt i am, it still would be
    will kepp you guys posted.

  16. #16
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    day 3: 100mcg clen,2.5g's taurine,and an ass load of water.

    i feel fuller.i feel harder. but not so much as to loosing any kinda weight. or at least, no real notable difference.

    my negative side effects are as listed.

    i feel bloated from the water,its hard to keep a steady train of thought,im shakey enough that my wife keeps asking me if i need to go to the doctor, the slightest thing i do causes "those muscles" to get so tight/full..that it hurts, my heart rate is up, my blood pressure is up tho i cant give yall any real numbers cause my arm wont fit in the store's BP checker, i stayed up a good bit last night tossing and turning, and if im walkin for any period of feels like my nerves are firing randomly....kinda like a zapping feeling...ooh...and im always hot to the point i start sweating from a very small bit- a notable amount.

    also, this stuff is making my in a big way. i mean, i screwed my wife 5 times today and was goin back for a 6th time before we went to bed and she just shook her head and told me i was crazy if i thought i was gettin any more.
    Last edited by chevy355s10; 03-20-2011 at 06:00 PM.

  17. #17
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    also, ive just came into a horrible headache. ..all in not liking this shit. all the hype isnt worth the ****in horrible sides that come with it. i havent lost a pound and im so bloated it hurts half the time...whats the point of this shit again?

  18. #18
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    edit. double post

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    How many days have you been on by this point?
    How much cardio are you doing?
    Are you in a calorie deficit?
    Last edited by F-Genetics; 03-24-2011 at 09:35 AM. Reason: Forgot to add more...

  20. #20
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    ive been on for 6 days now.
    3 days a week,on the days in between my training days.
    and yes.

  21. #21
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    Sixoner, have you considered that ECA might not actually be a bad thing after a clen cycle? I was wondering this because I have never seen a study stating HOW MUCH beta2 stimulation ECA has. If it is minimal, a person might still be OK with the old cycle of 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, which is why it might have worked in the first place in the olden days.

    @OP, if you have your diet in check, clen will still help you. Its main benefits would be its anti-catabolic property during a calorie deficit, and also to create more of an even loss of fat throughout the body. The last one is something I notice, but really have no study to back it up as doing so.

  22. #22
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    sounds like you drank entirely too much water to me bro..

    I've never found it necessary to drink such an excessively ridiculous amount of water like that while on clen

    and mutton your ECA stack is ephedrine caffeine and aspirin ephedrine taxes the beta-2 adrenergic receptors there's plenty information out on ephedrine its effects and the manner in which it works..

  23. #23
    I so far with 4 Clen runs, three of them being useless have found that Benadryl doesn't do a dam thing for me but I did one day of Keto and then Clen the next day and WOW what a difference. I will say that comparing the two one did it's job and one well.........didn't even come close.

    Only thing I dont like is how Keto leaves me with this sleepiness hangover feeling. I end up shaking it about 4-5 hrs after I wake up but before then I am still super tired.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    day 3: 100mcg clen,2.5g's taurine,and an ass load of water.

    i feel fuller.i feel harder. but not so much as to loosing any kinda weight. or at least, no real notable difference.

    my negative side effects are as listed.

    i feel bloated from the water,its hard to keep a steady train of thought,im shakey enough that my wife keeps asking me if i need to go to the doctor, the slightest thing i do causes "those muscles" to get so tight/full..that it hurts, my heart rate is up, my blood pressure is up tho i cant give yall any real numbers cause my arm wont fit in the store's BP checker, i stayed up a good bit last night tossing and turning, and if im walkin for any period of feels like my nerves are firing randomly....kinda like a zapping feeling...ooh...and im always hot to the point i start sweating from a very small bit- a notable amount.

    also, this stuff is making my in a big way. i mean, i screwed my wife 5 times today and was goin back for a 6th time before we went to bed and she just shook her head and told me i was crazy if i thought i was gettin any more.
    Why would you take 100mcg on your third day? Start out small to learn your tolerance.

    Shit I tried to take 120mcg on Saturday and I felt like a ****in junkie all day.

  25. #25
    so why does keto work but not benadryl

  26. #26
    Don't really know but all I can say is one works and one doesn't. Wish I knew cause one is WAY CHEAPER then the other!

  27. #27
    its not going to hurt if you run benadryl ed with clen though right cause i take benadryl to fall asleep every night anyway.

  28. #28
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