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Thread: Noob needs Help! Way High Estradiol & Pregnenolone! Should I take Nolvadex/Tomaxifin?

  1. #1

    Noob needs Help! Way High Estradiol & Pregnenolone! Should I take Nolvadex/Tomaxifin?

    Please help. I am now age 34 1/2, former athlete 5'11" Muscular but lots of belly fat 227 lbs-think Fedor E if you are into MMA. In the past 10 yrs I dabbled very briefly never completing a full cycle. 2 yrs ago I was diagnosed with two Auto-immune Diseases-Lupus and Sjorgen's therefore I have horrible fatigue and can't kickbox/grapple like I used to. About 1 1/2 yrs ago I tested my Total Test with a Endo and I was 300 and 512 so I knew my Test was low anyway. Because I wanted to try to kick up my own energy I did an almost full cycle this summer to see how I would react. I did Sustanon +Deca for 9 weeks (had to stop early to clear my liver to try a Lupus/Arthritis med Methotraxate which I no longer take-was interested in seeing if Deca would help my joint/hand pain) and I only did Ten 20mg pills of Tamoxifen Citrate so I admit I messed myself up bad by messing with Deca before I really knew what I was doing and not doing Proper PCT/enough Tamoxifen. My energy during cycle made me feel back to normal almost like 2 days out of the week and I was lifting about 3 days a week and training/teaching martial arts 2 days a week. .

    I have been feeling like shit and going down hill and lost my once over active sex drive. I had my Total Testosterone and Cortisol tested 212 then 202 for test, and Cortisol was normal 15.8. My liver and kidney enzymes are ok fyi. I then went to Anti-Aging clinic to get further tests, but they charge way too much for the gear and visits it turns out so can't go back.

    Anyway, my main issues are my Estradiol 51.4 at and Pregnenolone at 648 is way high which I suspected the Estrogen to be high and not too familiar with Pregnenolone (though being somewhat high might be good for me as Anti-inflammatory-too high like it is might be causing other problems). I have THIRTY Tamoxifen Citrate 20 mg. pills just sitting here (that I should have finished taking before). Will that lower my Estradiol now and should I start taking one a day?

    Since I can't really afford HRT/TRT through a clinic I have been planning on doing self HRT/TRT starting with 125 mg/week of Test C (or Sustanon I have left over then switching to TEST C) along with either 500-1000 iu of HCG each week. I figure I can get my total test, tested again in a few months and raise my Test C intake a bit if needed and tolerated. Should I start on the Nolva/Tamoxifen now? How long until I should start my self HRT/TRT treatement? I would think I should do at least 1-2 weeks of Nolva first and get my Estrogen lowered correct? Please help.

    My other numbers are as follows. My Total Test on this weeks lab compared to last is 385 (in the last few weeks the cheaper Total Test numbers were 212 then 202 remember) which confuses that now 2 numbers added together because they said they would use my total test numbers I had and test Free and Bio available T.
    T3, Free is 3.2
    T4, Free is 1.54
    TSH is 4.07 ( 2 yrs ago was 3.86, then put on .75 Sythroid went to like .6, then off for 6 months then .25 Sythroid for a month and off again so that made my thryoid even worse)

    Estradiol 51.4 when the range is 7.6-42.6
    DHEA-Sulfate 165.4 when the range is 160-449 so that is really low end...should I be concerned about that?
    Dihydro Test 46.71

    Testosterone Total 385 (how did they get this number? my Total Test was 212 and 202 the weeks before in cheap total test-test)

    Sex Hormone Bink Globulin 28
    Testosterone, Free 9.62 hen range listed as 1.9-27
    Pregnenolone 646 which is Very High when range listed as 38-350 ng/dl so while some literate says Hi is good and could help be anti-stress anti-inflammatory is this too high and will mess other stuff up???

    Will Tomoxifen I have now clear up my Estradiol issue? 1 20 mg pill a day for how long? or take 2 pills?
    Will it then be safe for me to HRT/TRT myself with 125 mg/week of Test C and 500-1000 Iu. of HCG per week??? Any reason I would need to use AI's (or only if I blast cruised occasionally upping my Test C to 250 mg/week for 12 weeks once per year----is one blast cruise per year OK if you use an AI or is slow and steady rest of my life best????)

    Thanks for any help or advise

  2. #2
    So besides Estrogen being way too high

    My Free T is way below Optimal levels

    My DHEA is way low for Optimal


    My Total Test are all in ng/dl however the 212 and 202 those labs had range of 241-827

    The new labs have total test at 385 but range is 280-1100 so is that why the difference? even though both in ng/dl??? that doesn't really make sense, but should I just worry about the Low Free Test because that is what matters?

    Would taking DHEA suppliments help???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    aromasin + t3 supplement.

    did you also check your hdl and ldl?

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