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  1. #1
    AMaster is offline New Member
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    Gyno - nolvadex?

    Hello all. Hope you can help me with this one.

    So couple months ago I did my first, really small dianabol cycle. I took it for about 6 weeks, only 20mg a day. After that period I just stopped taking it. Didn't take any pct cause I didnt feel any suppression. I felt just like before cycle. Maybe it is also worth noticing I didnt get any real gains from it. I was only pumped up, but no weight or strength gains. Thats why I thought it didn't have any real impact on me, so no pct was made. But anyway the thing is after like 1,5 month from taking last pill I got gyno in my right nipple. During first days I didnt even thought it was gyno, because I finished cycle quite time ago and didnt have any problems earlier. But nipple was (and still is) a little swollen and sometimes it hurts a bit when touching it. I did ultrasound and it showed that its a little gyno. I've done my blood tests about 2-3 weeks after gyno occurred, and the thing is my hormone levels were (and still are) completely normal (estradiol levels at about 23). Maybe it is also worth noticing my test is too low (338), and I also dont know was it always that way, or maybe this cycle had something to do with it. My doctor said there is nothing he can do about it then, and that there is only surgical option.

    So my question is: Can I still do something about it (besides operation)? I have novladex and clomid but now I am really afraid that it can make things worse. But can it still help me even though my hormone levels are normal? What can I expect from taking it (especially as far as sides)? Can it imbalance my hormone levels? Or can it do other damage to body?

    Help will be very appreciated!

  2. #2
    JWP806's Avatar
    JWP806 is offline Senior Member
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    Your test is low because you took AAS and didn't run pct. I would imagine this cycle had everything to do with it.

    I would sure as hell try something else before surgery. How long have you had it?

    You will either want to run letro and/or raloxifene.

    Less aggressive: Raloxifene
    Ralox takes a long time to work but I've heard it's effective. I'm currently 2 weeks in on ralox at 60mg a day and have not noticed any changes.

    More aggressive: Letrozole
    You can take letro at .25mg/day and taper up by .25mg/day (.25, .5, .75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5mg) until you reach 2.5mg/day and then stay at 2.5mg/day until the lump goes away and then stay on an extra week or two after that before tapering back down the same way you tapered up. A popular method to prevent estrogen rebound once you finish running letro is nolvadex at 20mg/day.

    Letro is much more aggressive and will crush your e2 levels which will cause a loss of libido and a general overall shitty feeling.

  3. #3
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you dont do pct based on how you "feel" .... and oral only cycles are dumb to do imo.

    ps. you should have done blood work before hand... i thought that was a given. you need to just stay away from aas while you research.
    Last edited by Juced_porkchop; 06-15-2013 at 10:42 AM.

  4. #4
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would rec tamox or ralox for gyno issues btw

  5. #5
    AMaster is offline New Member
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    Thx for reply.
    I have gyno for about 2 months now. But because its still relatively small now I dont want to use anything strong. Besides I wont have access to ralox and letro for at least 3 weeks and even after that time I'm not sure I will be able to obtain it. So do you think nolva (which I have right now) could do the job? Also could it get my test back on track?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    If I were you I would give Tamoxifen (nolva) a go at 20-40mg/day (this can take months to reverse or see effects) or Raloxifene at 60mg/day (this could also take months).

    I'm also battlying gyno and I'm using the same combination JWP is using, the Raloxifene, Letro combo....

    The most important thing is that you begin a protocol immediately, as the longer you wait, the more difficult it can be to reverse it.

    Good luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by AMaster View Post
    Thx for reply.
    I have gyno for about 2 months now. But because its still relatively small now I dont want to use anything strong. Besides I wont have access to ralox and letro for at least 3 weeks and even after that time I'm not sure I will be able to obtain it. So do you think nolva (which I have right now) could do the job? Also could it get my test back on track?

  7. #7
    AMaster is offline New Member
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    Juced porkchop - the only thing I have on my defense is that guy from witch I got dbol said that I "surely" wont need any pct because this dosage "surely" wont block my hpta and "surely" wont cause any gyno... -.-

  8. #8
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMaster View Post
    Juced porkchop - the only thing I have on my defense is that guy from witch I got dbol said that I "surely" wont need any pct because this dosage "surely" wont block my hpta and "surely" wont cause any gyno... -.-
    Lesson learned... Never listen to what your drug dealer tells you. No matter how much you think he/she might know. I've heard some really dumb shit over the years that either dudes in the gym told me or from stories that I have read on here.

    What are your stats? Was this your first cycle?

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMaster View Post
    Juced porkchop - the only thing I have on my defense is that guy from witch I got dbol said that I "surely" wont need any pct because this dosage "surely" wont block my hpta and "surely" wont cause any gyno... -.-
    Agree with JWP, never take advice from your source, he will never have your best interest.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    AMaster is offline New Member
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    23yo, 5 years of training, 98kg body weight now, 190cm height, low bf. To be perfectly exact it was my second cycle but here is what it looked like: I took dianabol for 4 weeks (first cycle - no sides after it), then I made break for next 4-5 weeks, then I did another dianabol cycle for 6 weeks (second cycle - the one I wrote about at beginning).

    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Lesson learned... Never listen to what your drug dealer tells you. No matter how much you think he/she might know. I've heard some really dumb shit over the years that either dudes in the gym told me or from stories that I have read on here.

    What are your stats? Was this your first cycle?

  11. #11
    raiugxlm is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMaster View Post
    Juced porkchop - the only thing I have on my defense is that guy from witch I got dbol said that I "surely" wont need any pct because this dosage "surely" wont block my hpta and "surely" wont cause any gyno... -.-
    This is why we research first bro

  12. #12
    enigma10's Avatar
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    Not to steal this thread but I've had puffy nips for all of my life, will Nolva take care of this ?

  13. #13
    MrKilliWiggle's Avatar
    MrKilliWiggle is offline Associate Member
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    To both people asking about gyno look into Ralox Im in the same boat and this works better then nolva

  14. #14
    beretta9 is offline New Member
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    hi, i just started my cycle with sustanon 250 mg and Equipoise 250mg once a week for 10 weeks. Im on my first week and i feel soreness on my nipples...My dealer suggested i start Tamoxifen citrate. How long should i take nolvadex for and what dosage would be appropriate for me.?

  15. #15
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beretta9
    hi, i just started my cycle with sustanon 250 mg and Equipoise 250mg once a week for 10 weeks. Im on my first week and i feel soreness on my nipples...My dealer suggested i start Tamoxifen citrate. How long should i take nolvadex for and what dosage would be appropriate for me.?
    Are you using an AI, and for gyno austinite just made a new thread on this go read it.

  16. #16
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Does ralox raise testosterone levels as much as tamox and clomid?

  17. #17
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Agree with JWP, never take advice from your source, he will never have your best interest.
    Ah... Hellooooo!!! ...crazy mike

  18. #18
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrKilliWiggle View Post
    To both people asking about gyno look into Ralox Im in the same boat and this works better then nolva
    So you got rid of your gyno with ralox? What was the dose 60mg ed

  19. #19
    LVCat is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrKilliWiggle View Post
    To both people asking about gyno look into Ralox Im in the same boat and this works better then nolva
    I had no idea that my puffy nips might be 'treatable' just thought it was cause I never got down to a low teens BF....??!?! sorry, no hijack intended...

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