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Thread: Enobosarm/Ostarine FAILS to meet end points for increasing muscle/body mass

  1. #1
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Enobosarm/Ostarine FAILS to meet end points for increasing muscle/body mass

    I know there are several members here who have, are, or wish to use SARMs , and in particular, Enobosarm (Ostarine). I've been involved in testing and developing this product with US based pharma GTx at several of my clinics in both phase II and phase III testing. It was a drug that I was interested in for both professional and personal reasons but today, GTx announced that it would NOT likely receive FDA approval for this compound since it had failed to achieve it's clinical end points for increasing body mass. The story can be found here:

    GTx muscle drug fails late-stage trials, shares plunge | Reuters

    Enobosarm has been used off label (and unapproved) in recreational sports for almost as long as it was synthesized by GTx when several small companies oversees in Asia had pirated the formulation for use as a black market compound to increase muscle mass. In all fairness, I will mention that the GTx clinical trials were performed in patients with advanced metastatic cancers (mostly non-small cell lung and prostate adenocarcinomas) since 48% of all cancer patients eventually expire due to wasting syndromes and not the actual cancer itself. Enobosarm was developed to reverse this process by increasing LEAN body mass. Unfortunately, today's news indicates the drug is not achieving the clinical outcomes needed for approval - at least among cancer patients.

    Enobosarm will likely continue as a black market recreational compound for LBM, but bare in mind, there is as yet, no long term efficacy or SAFETY data which should remain a concern for anyone using an drug of unknown potential and unknown risk. Until such data becomes known (beyond anecdotal "broscience"), short cycles of 6 weeks or less are generally advised to minimize potential risk.
    Java Man and austinite like this.

  2. #2
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    Thanks for the update, MI. I've been watching this with interest. It's very cool to have a member actually involved inthe clinical trials who can give us the real facts as they unfold.

  3. #3
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    The future doesn't look very good for GTx based on that article.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    The future doesn't look very good for GTx based on that article.
    That is correct. The stock took a pummeling. Without enobosarm their pipeline is anemic. The prostate cancer drug failed its end points a few years ago and hasn't been successfully resurrected.

    Thanks for your comments JM and for checking out the article. Admittedly I am disappointed in the clinical verdict - I saw some impressive results from ostarine in clinic and was hopeful the results would continue to lead towards a favorable approval.

    I'm sure it will continue as a black market SARM for a few years to come. I myself am still hopeful that it's recreational use will bare results in healthier populations.

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