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  1. #1
    Xaxist's Avatar
    Xaxist is offline Junior Member
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    On the fence ...

    OK, so I have read volumes of info, posts, and testomonials on the various SARMs that are available. I was thinking of trying one of these in about 3 months or so for recomp purposes.

    S-4: not interested, the eye problems scare the hell out of me.
    LGD-4033: I need more info on this one
    Ostarine (MK-2866): interested in this one the most atm.

    STATS: 51yo, 232lbs. 19%bf, trained on and off for 42 years (mostly on) cept had to stop for 3 years due to a car accident. Been training again for about 5 weeks now, so I am not ready for any type of cycle but I want to find out as much as possible and prep. Btw, I have done quite a few AAS cycles over the years.

    I would like to hear from any of you that have actually used Ostarine or LGD-4033 and what your experiences are. I am not looking for theory, I want some anecdotal info from folks especially any older guys who have tried this. Thanks!

  2. #2
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2012
    I just turned 57 so I'm right there with you!
    Are you on HRT of any type? If not, you probably should be if your insurance will pay for it.
    I've run Ostarine several times and am running it now for a recomp. It is like a very mild test cycle without the androgenic effects (doesn't make you horny or your pecker hard). It will help you on a recomp for sure. You can read my Ostarine cutting cycle to see what I mean. Strength will increase a good amount as well. All my gains have been permanent, too, since I don't perceive any shut down. No sides that I have noticed either.
    Heck, the stuff is pretty cheap if you shop around. Give it a try. I haven't heard any bad things and it's been around for at least a year or so.
    It's not like an AAS cycle but it's close. I've turned some others on to it and they have been happy with the results. I started at 10mg and just went up every week until 25mg. Seems like 20mg is the sweet spot for the first few weeks and then you have to bump it up to 25mg after about week 3. But that's just my experience.
    You can do what I did first and run it for 4 weeks like so:
    Week 1 - 10mg
    Week 2 - 15mg
    Week 3 - 20mg
    Week 4 - 25mg
    See how that works for you. If you want to be safe you can start doing 3g of DAA on week 3. That way it's kicking in by the time you come completely off. But, honestly, your probably not making anything much naturally at your age anyway.
    Give it a try and post up a log. I would be curious to see if your results were as good as mine. Hit me up if you have any more questions.

  3. #3
    Icy is offline New Member
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    I'm 22 so I don't know how much of my opinion you want to really use, but I have used all 3 of those. Osta was my favorite. I ran a 6 week cycle with it while bulking. The effects are noticeable after the 3rd week and strength effects are noticeable after the first two weeks. The way bobtail ran it was how I did except I went up to 30mg just to see how it went and I was ok. I read that going over 30mg gives you diminishing returns so it's not worth going past 30mg.

  4. #4
    SouthernS is offline Banned
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    Dec 2013
    Goal is important here. If the goal was to have the closest to AS experience (with a lot less sides) I would go with LGD. If the goal was to recomp and still have mild AS like results, Ostarine. S-4 alone is simply not worth it, plus some are sensitive to the vision sides (I am). S-4 is best stacked at any rate.

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