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Thread: SARMs (Cardarine/Ostarine) and Elite/Sub-Elite Distance/Middle Distance Running

  1. #1

    Lightbulb SARMs (Cardarine/Ostarine) and Elite/Sub-Elite Distance/Middle Distance Running

    I am thinking about trying Cardarine or Ostarine.

    Does anyone have info regarding: (in elite/sub-elite/amateur runners)

    Urinalysis Detection Window (WADA/NCAA/NAIA)

    Side Effects

    Personal Experience regarding Performance increases/effectiveness for endurance athletes

    Good place to purchase the product (If the forum allows such discussion... If this is against the rules, please ignore this question)

    Endurance Gains

    Fat Cutting



    Your Average Runner

    16:08 5k
    4:23 1600m
    1:16 HM

    Currently take Albuterol Sulfate before every hard effort workout for Asthma
    I am not looking to take this product for muscle gains... Small amounts are okay, but the purpose is an alternative PED for an endurance athlete at an affordable price.

  2. #2
    *I know that quite a highly elite marathoners/distance athletes for USA are taking SARMs, but would like to take everything into consideration before trying a product.

  3. #3
    bump :-)

  4. #4
    Do you know a detection time? I know athletes have failed tests before using Ostarine?

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