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Thread: 32 year old, never done steroids; can't seem to recover like I used to... SARMs?

  1. #1

    32 year old, never done steroids; can't seem to recover like I used to... SARMs?

    Hello there, my first post here. Thinking of doing Ostarine at 12.5-15 mg per day / 8 week cycle to supplement the fact I'm getting older and can't recover like I used to. I've always been natural but since turning thirty my view of my body, what I can or should do with it is changing, I'm a lot more open now to the idea of using steroids. In the past when I was younger I've weighed up to 185 lbs lean and strong, all natural - I never cared to be bigger because it would have slowed me down. Fast forward 10 years of light workouts and office chairs, after my divorce I've taken up weightlifting seriously again (two years back at it now) and I have seen some serious results in body recomp but man is it depressing to just work hard, so ****ing hard and not get anywhere seriously muscle gain wise. Being honest with myself I see that I've only put on about 5 lbs / year of muscle since I started back, besides a few vacation luls I have been going hard without stop. I've always been easy loose, hard gain but nothing like this. I find myself working harder and eating cleaner/more then I did when I was younger and see less results.

    I'm worried that I'm wasting my time simply running Ostarine. ie. It's not worth just running Osta, if you're gonna do it do it right type of mindset. That said, I'm not looking to go from 170lbs to 200-220 but rather just be able to get closer to 190 without turning into a blob.

    If I do this, would you guys suggest I get my blood work done before / after like a normal cycle? Should I tell my doctor that I'm running Ostarine etc? I'm looking for some PCT advice in regarding to using SARMs and how to be as safe as possible about it.

    I'll be honest, the main allure of SARMs for me is the fact I don't have to inject myself. I'm willing to go full cycle but I want to kind of get my feet wet with some SARMs first then kind of snowball into adding more things maybe down the line if I like it and see results.

    Any thoughts appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Injectingproblems are psycological only. There is no pain, no blood. Its easy. Just do your studies.

    I think SARMS are good. A little anabolic gains without sides. Im thinking of running sarms myself but with a TRT-dose. Not as a bridge but as a cycle beetween fullblown cycles.
    Full nolva/clomid pct needed.

  3. #3
    Do you think just running Osta 15mg for 8 weeks will require PCT? Should I do bloodwork before / after to be sure? I'm thinking I'll run the blood work for sure to be safe. However I don't want to wait to buy any PCT until I find out I need it or needed it a week ago. Any suggestions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    You have to educate yourself. Doing BW is the way to go. Post cycle would be interessting. Then you find out how suppressive it is for yourself. Then you can avoid net"knowledge". Yes, get your nolva/clomid first. If BW shows you dont need it you can save it for another run.

    Personally i dont think you need pct for that dose, but im not sure. 8 weeks are not a short cycle.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    You have to educate yourself. Doing BW is the way to go.
    Get BW! You may have something suppressing your natural production where a simple change could make a world of difference. Take a look in the Finding A Doc sticky thread at the top of the HRT Forum for a list to use. Either way, you need baseline BW before you embark on anything.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    Bloodwork scheduled for Friday. Haven't started with Osta yet, in prep for the blood work I stopped taking any other supplements as well over the past week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Been on and off Osta for a couple of years. I don't think your going to be that happy with it. Just gives a little boost in gains but nothing like test. My BW on Osta at 20mg was the same as it was without it so no suppression even at 20mg for months.
    You should just save the cash and go to a good TRT doc. For what your wanting to achieve, that's probably going to make you the most happy.
    Do like Kel said and get your blood work done. If your super low (which it sounds like) then TRT is your answer not Osta.

  8. #8
    No updates buddy?

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