My Stats
18% BFat
Age 33

Here is my lineup

LGD 2omg per day Day1-30
LIV-52 Day 1-30

RAD 140 40mg per day -Day31-60
MK 677 50mg DAy 31-60

PCT ARIME with OST 25.5mg Day 61-90
1-GH Anamorelin 50mg DAY 61-90

I am starting a 3 month run. My goals:

Month 1: Add some gains - Macro Surplus 300 cals - 55% fat / 30% Prot / 15% Carbs
Months 2: Cutting - Macro deficit 200 Cals - Keto 65% Fat/ 30% Prot / 5% carbs
Months 3: Cutting - Macro deficit 300 Cals - Keto 65% Fat/ 30% Prot / 5% carbs

I am open to macro advice. But my Main question is the best way to lift. I currently am following a 4 week mini-cycle ranging from High rep of 17 to low of 4 over that time-frame. Schedule "

Monday - Chest Tri Abs
Tuesday - Back Bicep Calves
Wed- rest
Thursday- Shoulders Traps Abs
Friday Legs -Lower back- calves

Given the recovery and oportunity to grow should i start working each body part twice a week? Should I continue changing rep ranges or just stay "low and heavy"? My main goal is cutting.